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Third Person's POV

Aliyu decides to stay and help his father with the company stuff before duty calls, the other reason is to find the masked girl in the real world. He didn't know when she slipped away after their passing without saying goodbye and he already knew she planned that to be the last time they see each other again, what she doesn't know is that he cannot let her go.

He didn't know how attached he had become to spending his time with her for nine months in a row without skipping a day, until these three months without her. Not a day had gone without her running on his mind and he found himself looking for her in every masked woman he came across. He thought what he felt for her before was strong but he questioned that right now. The feeling is a million times stronger than it was before. He wants to be with her, feel her pain, heal with her, and be by her side forever. She's a gem that he cannot lose. He wants her for him. He pictured her as his Hafsat even before he knew her name and who she was and after he did, it added to the love and respect he had for her.

It was shocking when he saw her again, he thought he was dreaming. Her eyes widened in surprise when he called her name, he didn't know how much he missed reading those expressions until then. He was pretty excited to talk to her again. He always tells himself to keep his feelings in place when he is with her but he never does so.

Seeing her with the therapist guy took all the excitement in him away, he don't like how he is with her and not him. His legs took him towards them on their own, the conversation they were on seemed intense and she escaped it immediately after Yusuf joined them. He didn't need her to introduce him because he had recognized him from the other night when he followed her.

"So you are the man that brought food" He started after Yusuf and her went to another bench. "And I guess you are the one that drugs people"

Two can play the belittling game.

He managed to find out when her flight was departing the next day before he retired to bed. He cannot let her slip away from him again.

She finds herself in Suhail's room for the first time since he was gone, the room was earlier locked up by her mother because they could not handle the pressure and it has not been open for almost three years. She believed she was ready to take whatever emotion the room had to offer.

The room reeked of dust because of being locked up but the scent of his cologne still lingers, she find herself smiling at the smell. It had been a while. She stands in front of the bed giving the room a good look over like it's her first time in it. She still remembers how he always kept it clean and tidy, everything had its place to be kept. She rummaged through his now empty closet and found a few items that were his favorite that Mommy couldn't give away, she took his favorite blue hoodie and a red sweatshirt. It was like she was walking through a memory lane while she was in the room, she could feel his presence.

She saw his phone on the bedside table, it was one of his things that Ummah and Mommy did not give out. She brought it out and it charging cord from the pack and plugged it in charge to go through it for the last time. She decided to stay for the night in there once she started looking at the pictures, she went back to her room and got her laptop before telling her parents that she would be sleeping in there.

She sent all his pictures and videos into her system as she played and watched it like a movie, She laughed and found joy at some while she wept and gloomed down at the others. That was how she spent most of the night until she checked through his messages with her. She had lost her phone when she was kidnapped and she didn't sign back in with her profile when she got another one, to avoid bringing back the memories. That was why she had not seen the messages he sent to her while she was away or reread their old chats.

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