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Suhail glued to his computer on the couch was the first thing I see as I came into the parlor. "You are obsessed" I tell him as a part of me asked me to disturb him a little before I go to my room to get ready.

He didn't reply so I poke my head onto the screen just to annoy him, "What episode are you on?" He pushed my head away and continued watching as if I did not just talk to him.

"I like Dr. Kang" I stated as I lean on the couch folding my legs together. I was surprised when he paused the movie and faced me. "What about him?"

I was about to answer him when the gateman knocked on the door reminding me of the sheikh outside.

I quickly went to my room to get the things I needed. I don't know when it started but the sheikh had been looking at me in some kind of way for a while now. I have not told anyone about it because he has not tried anything but I've been wearing a face mask and it makes him stare less.

"I thought you hate masks?" Suhail questioned as I come out of my room and I rolled my eyes at him in response ignoring him and walk to the gazebo where I am being teach at.

I recited to the last place I was taught and instead of him continuing like always he started a conversation.

"Is your father in town?"

I nodded my head no instead of answering him, he smiled at my response and closed the Qur'an, and continued talking. "My wife had been sick for almost five months now" He shifted close to me as he speak and I moved back opening the Qur'an back.

"I wish her a quick recovery"

His hands touched mine after I opened the Qur'an and closed it back holding my hand in his. "I have been lonely since she became sick"

Why are some men so shameless? He is old enough to be my father and I am sure his first child is older than me. "Why are you telling me that?" I asked him pretending to not know what he mean and take my hand away from his.

I don't know if it was because I was trying to not be rude to him by not reacting when he hold my hand that make him try to remove my mask or if he thinks I am stupid to allow him to do anything with me.

He was dragged away by the collar before I react, Suhail gives him a blow as he got him off of the chair he was sitting on.

"How dare you?"

I quickly stopped him from giving him another blow. I don't want Mommy to hear what is going on. I asked the gateman for help when I couldn't keep him from giving the old man a beating of his life. "How long has this been happening?" He asked me immediately after the man was taken away from him.

"Just today"

I walked back into the gazebo and he followed sitting on the chair next to me and I told him how the sheik had been looking at me the past days and why I wore a mask, I didn't narrate what just happened to him again because he has seen all of it so I asked him why he followed me outside when he was watching Dr. Romantic.

"I got curious seeing you wear a mask since you hate wearing it more than chemistry"

I do not hate wearing masks he was just exaggerating and looking for a reason to bring chemistry up, he wish to hear me say I like it which will never happen. I do not breathe with ease if I have a face mask on my reason for not liking it, I do not get how some people stay with it on for hours I can hardly last an hour. I do not like it at all.

"It actually looks good on you, why do you not like it?"

"It hides my dimples" I tell him as I packed my books together.

"You don't have dimples Hafsat"

My eyes might soon pop out at the rate of how Suhail makes me roll them every hour. We continue talking about random things, the sheik, and what happened long forgotten.

"You haven't told me what you like about Dr. Kang?" He asked while we started walking back to the house and I answered him immediately. "His straightforwardness" I like that the most about his characters in the show. "He frankly told Dr. Yoon his intentions towards her without beating around the bush"

He hummed in response as we go into the living room, I heard Mommy in the kitchen so I went there straight carrying my books with me. "Are you already done?" She asked me after answering my salaam. I nodded in response "He had to leave early for somewhere"

I don't know why I lied. I stayed with her as she prepared a tea for her cold, a reason why she hadn't been going to work but she is feeling a lot better today. She pour some for me which I carry to my room alongside a sandwich I made while we talked. I am not one to sleep early but I have a physics practical early in the morning so I bid them good night before retiring to bed.

Malam Iliya popped into my mind after I settled in bed, his career would be ruined if I tell my parents what happened and I don't want to be a source of pain in someone's life by any chance even though what he did was wrong. He has eight kids and a sick wife to fend for but he chooses to do the wrong thing. I will just tell them that I don't understand his teachings anymore.

THE MASKED GIRL Where stories live. Discover now