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Third Person's POV

They first went to her favorite food place where she made sure that he had the best gimbap and ramyeon in Korea. They afterward went sightseeing to places with the best view at night. It was a great birthday she hadn't had in a while. They later spend the remaining hours of the night strolling around the park that is close to her school. It was as if they were not the ones that have not been in contact for six years.

That is one thing about Aliyu, he doesn't hold on or hold grudges to things that he finds unnecessary unlike her. She is an overthinker and he is understanding, they complete each other. He understands her much more than her liking.

Their simple conversations about family, friends, memories, and catching up with life drifted to another when she started talking about how bad she felt for missing both Yusuf and Sadeeq's wedding last three months. Yusuf got married to his girlfriend and Sadeeq to the girl that his father chose for him.

"When will it be our time?" The humor he had earlier in the car was gone from his face, he was all serious and no joke. They have to talk about this once and for all.

She laughed it off. "I don't know"

He stopped walking and faced her, removing her mask from her face surprising her. "I want to see your expression during this conversation"

She was too stunned to speak but nonetheless nodded her head in understanding.

"We are not getting younger Hafsat"

She chuckled nervously again and fold her mask and put it in her jacket pocket. "I thought you prefer calling me with Maamah" She tried changing the topic. "That is what I thought but not anymore and don't change the topic"

"Why is that?"

"Because it gives me a sense of pride whenever I call you. You are my Hafsat" She wouldn't let it slide so he gave in. "How long will we keep stalling?"

"Don't wait for me Aliyu" She started and bent a little either to relieve her back for standing so long or to just avoid the topic. "You are already thirty and have everything you need, I don't think I am that woman for you"

He tssked and bit on his lower lip looking around the place then pulled her with him to a bench so they could sit.

"I already feel it in me that you are that woman for me and I am that man for you. I picture myself with no one but you, we complete each other in so many ways that it is very obvious we are created for each other"

She leaned on the bench and whispered to herself but he heard her. "That man for me is already gone"

"You can never marry the person that is not destined for you no matter how much you love each other or how perfect your love is. Suhail is gone and that is enough for you to know that you are not the one for him."

"I know" She stood up fighting back her tears. "I am spending forever trying to accept it, it is harder than I thought"

He put her back to sitting and held her to his side comforting her. "You have done great in grieving and you are still doing" He paused and asked her a question "Can I tell you my thoughts about it?"

She nodded in response.

"You were young and in love when it happened, God! You were just eighteen when you lost him, right in front of your eyes. But you took the pain well and healed. You even went to the army and killed four people for God's sake. Hafsat you are braver than you think, you walked through it stronger than anyone could"

"Thank you"

A moment of silence passed before he continued. "That is not what is holding you back"

"I guess I am also afraid of some things," She said in one breath like she didn't want to admit it but being open and telling him her reasons might make him see that she is really not the one for him.

"Scared of what"

"That I may continue to compare the person and Suhail or wish that things didn't happen that way"

For some reason, she didn't want to say him not just for his feelings but hers too. A deep part of her is worried she might lose him for good if she keeps pushing him away but she is not yet ready for that life again.

"Well I am a little hurt that you didn't mention my name but have you ever compared me with Suhail or wish you were with him whenever I'm with you?"

"No. Yes"

His smile fades as soon as it forms.

"I have compared your habits countless of times especially back in the army and I kind of like how you are more crazy and wild than him" She laughed at that and he joined her. "But I don't think I have ever wished I was with him instead of you, though a lot of times I wish he was here with both of us. For him to meet you"

"I also wish I had met him"

The aura becomes sad for a while before it clears up after she tells him old memories about Suhail.

"You are the only one stopping yourself from moving on. I hope you know I am saying all this for your well-being. I may be very selfish and want to have you married to me if that is what will get you to move on but I want you to do so on your own even if it's not with me no matter how much it will hurt me. I will do anything see you happy"

"I know"

They get up to walk back to the campus as it is getting late, this time they walk hand in hand.

"So what are the other things that scare you?"

She gave him a questioning expression "Huh?"

"You said earlier that somethings scares you and you only mentioned two"

"Those are the only ones" She answered as she avoided his gaze.

He stopped walking because they were a few feet away to her dormitory and he knew there was more just from the way she avoided his eyes.

"The whole point of this is for us to tell each other everything right?" She nodded "Even the darkest thoughts" She nodded again.

"Then what are they?"

She knew he would not easily judge her and she had already found herself telling him things she had never said out loud before, one more would not hurt, right?

She still hesitated but in the end, she told him everything like always. "Four men had ruined me already. What if that is it for me? What if I won't be enough?!"

He let go of her hand and cupped her face, that way he could look into her eyes which is something she avoided since she started talking.

"You are a gem Hafsat, a very rare one. Any man will be damn lucky to have you. Whether it is ten or hundreds of men I don't care. I just want you, who you are and the way you are"

He drags his fingers over her lips down to the scar on her chin. "Scarred and Beautiful"

"Just wait until I make you mine" He continued dragging his two fingers over her scar and her lips as he speaks. "You will forever forget the print of those men on you. I will worship every part of your body and give you the mind-blowing feeling of what it feels like to be you and mine"

He finished with a kiss on her forehead. "You are more than enough"

She was speechless once again. How did she get this lucky? She could only hug him in response.

"Thank you for everything Aliyu"

She breaks the hug and bids him good night. He only nods his head and watches her go inside before he leaves.

I am sorry I left you waiting for too long🥲

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