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Suhail had always been overprotective of what was his even in normal circumstances, just imagine how he reacted to those that ruined the love of his life. He carefully dropped me down on the floor and dragged Abdallah by the collar. He threw a punch at him and within seconds a bloody fight erupted between them. Suhail fought with his heart taking out all his emotions on him.

I curled up around the corner too frail and scared to move a finger or stop them. I watched him fight with all his strength until they overpowered him, he couldn't handle four of them at a time. They could kill him at the rate they were throwing punches and kicking him. I found myself at Abdallah's feet begging for mercy. They turned deaf ears to my plead and continued hitting him, he was the one who was getting beaten but I was the one that was crying.

Every punch they threw at him had me shrieking and panicking, the possibility of them killing him sent deep horror into my soul. I held onto his leg again, my voice hoarse from shouting and crying. He stopped and ordered his friends to do the same. "I will let him go on one condition" I quickly nodded my head agreeing to whatever he wanted if he would let us go.

"Have sex with me willingly" He stated as he licked his lips and looked at me longingly as if I am a piece of food. "It was mind-blowing when it was forced I want to know how great it would feel when it isn't" He added.

I looked at Suhail who was held down on the ground by the three men and I thought of getting out of this misery. I am tired. I wanted to get away from all that was happening. It is all too much for me to handle. I don't even picture how my life will continue but I cannot risk Suhail's, seeing him in this condition breaks me the more. I want it all to end. If a sex will get us out of this place then so be it.

"What do you say?" He asked me as he squatted down to my eye level and I nodded my head. He smiled in victory and picked me up to the bed, tears had already found shelter on my face.

Suhail gave a deafening roar as he got out of their grasp. He grabbed Abdallah again and a new fight began and this time I held Suhail and tried to get him away from them, I tried to get us away. Abdallah pulled me off of Suhail pushing me straight to the old standing fan that was in the room which slit off the skin on my chin like a paper.

Suhail stopped fighting upon seeing blood gushing out of my face. I could not even feel the pain because of how weakened I was, emotions were the only things I could feel. I lost my sense of feeling for physical pain. Suhail walked to where I was and tore off a piece of his singlet to cover my wound stopping the bleeding. They took that moment as an opportunity and hit him hard on the head with a stick sending him to unconsciousness.

He was dragged alongside with me to the car and we were pushed into the backseat as the other two got into a separate car. They drove us deeper into the forest, a place I have only seen in horror movies. My whole body shook with fear when Suhail didn't move even an inch to how I was trying to wake him up. I gave him a hopeful resuscitation using the little strength I had to see him get up and I found myself smiling for the first time in so many days when he gained consciousness.

"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked as he touched my chin checking how deep the wound was and I hugged him in response. I am dead tired of all this. My tear ducts are already dried up. I am emotionally drained.

They stopped in the middle of nowhere and practically yanked us out of the car. The three friends tackled Suhail immediately.

"We planned to let you go tonight but your boyfriend tracked us down making it a big risk to let you two go" He paused and brought a knife out of his pocket then continued. "One witness is never really a proof and I doubt if you will even report us but this man here will surely do"

He put the knife on Suhail's neck to show how serious he was about not letting the two of us go and I trembled in fear. "Please let us go and we will not report you I swear"

"I will never let them be" Suhail spoke just after I managed to convince him to leave us here to find our way back home. Must he show how strong-headed he is in this state, who in their right sense would say something like this in this kind of situation? We are the victim and they have a knife for God's sake.

"See what I'm saying" Abdallah spoke as he told his friends to beat Suhail up which they obeyed swiftly.

"Please don't hurt him I promise you no one will know"

My plead was ignored yet again. He went from fighting back to lying helplessly as they beat the living daylight out of him. I couldn't stand watching them kill him, I could not imagine my life without him so I offered the only thing that mattered to them.

"I will do anything" I spoke desperately. "I will have sex with you anytime you want. I will let you kiss me. I will give you a blowjob if you want but please don't kill him and let us go" I stated while crying. I was in uttermost despair that I didn't care about anything but to get away from this sorrow all I want is to be in the comfort of my own family.

He stopped and his friends did the same but kept Suhail in their grip and he walked towards me joy written on his face as if I just promised the world to him. "You promise?" He asked as he squatted to my level and I nodded. He got up in triumph and told his friends to let Suhail go and faced me. "You have to find your way back though"

"I will see you soon," He said again and pecked my lips before he turned to go. That kiss got Suhail again and he vigorously got up and hit him on the mouth. His minions joined and they easily tackled him again because he was out of strength he was just being stubborn.

I just got everything under control. Suhail's anger issues always get the best of him, I don't know why he just won't give up and let them win and get us free.

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