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I get out of the bathroom feeling a little better after crying but my mood changed after seeing him on the floor leaning on the bed. I ignored him and spread my prayer mat and prayed. I check the time on my clock before I go into my closet to pick the clothes to wear and go back to the bathroom to change. Maryam and I planned to meet up at nine to go to the airport together since her plane leaves at ten. But I am still very mad at Suhail that I don't want to stay in a house with him so I decided to go to her house earlier. I act as if he is nonexistent and get my handbag out of its shelf and he quickly gets up upon realizing I am going out.

"I am so sorry for acting like a jerk" He breathed out and stand in front of the door blocking my passage and I rolled my eyes at him. "I don't know why I did that when I clearly should hear from you first. I am sorry for leaving you on the streets. I am sorry for snapping at you and I am so sorry for disappointing you. Please forgive me"

He stopped speaking and got on his knees. "I lost my shit after seeing you with another guy and acted gristly without hearing from you but I want you to know that I will never maltreat you"

My hands moved on their own and helped him stand up because I couldn't stand seeing him on his knees.

"I have no excuse for my behavior and I accept that I am wro--

I couldn't bear hearing him apologize like he was the only one at fault so I hugged him completely taking him aback. That is how we settled our issues. He apologized, and I apologized. I was honest, he was honest. After all fights and arguments are part of relationship. How you are treated during it, is what matters.

He made breakfast and we went to Maryam after we ate. She was already at the airport so we drove there direct. I cannot believe she is actually leaving, what will my life be without her? My best friend of forever, the only person who gets me is leaving and will be gone over a million miles. I won't be able to cry on her shoulder in times of pain or hug her in times of joy. My life will be very different without her.

We hugged each other for the last time when it was her time to board. "Explore Korea for us," I told her my voice breaking "Do all that we planned on doing together okay?"

She nodded.

I didn't know seeing her off would be this hard. I thought I would not cry. I ran into Suhail's arms after her plane had departed, I was not strong enough to fight the tears back. He had a hard time before he peeled me off his body and get me into the car. I can be very clingy when emotional. I rest my head on the dashboard and continue crying. He didn't comfort me or ask me to stop the entire ride, I only raised my head after I heard him parked the car and the location surprised me.

Nile University.

How could he choose today out of all days to complete my admission procedure? I look like shit, I had two mental breakdowns for God's sake.

"Get yourself together"

He tells me as he gets out of the car. There is no way I will look presentable not after crying my heart out. I looked like someone who had just woken up from a coma and I believe in the effect of first impressions. I fortunately have a mask in my purse which will always help me in terms of need no matter how much I don't like wearing it.

"Suhail" His name in almost every part of the campus we go to. He is one hell of a popular guy. "Mukhtar Bikko" Some called his surname.

We went to the administration office and processed my admission everything was done within an hour or so and I became an official student at Nile University. We had another argument over choosing my residency, I wanted to stay at school and he wants the opposite.

He called Mommy to get her support which she gave without hesitation something I already know of because she has yet to approve of it each time we talked she just brushed the topic off. I asked to speak with Daddy and he gave me his support after all I am the one that is going to study in the school so I won.

"You are very stubborn"

He shakes his head at me as he also tries to change his residency. I don't know why he is making a big deal out of it all I want is to experience life at a boarding house. "I will be okay" I don't see the need for him to change his status since he don't like the hostel life and he sneered at my words. He claimed that I needed a 24/7 monitoring since I already knew how to leave the city if I get the chance, I don't think he will ever let that go. I was glad that his residency would take time before it get change.

Someone called his name as we get to the parking lot, he groaned upon realizing who it was. It was this girl he had told me about in his class, she had been coming after him since they were once paired up for a project. He had rejected her when she admitted to him that she liked him but she obviously doesn't take no for an answer. I got in the car after he introduced me to her telling them I was too tired to keep a conversation when in reality I was annoyed that he introduced me as his sister and not his girl, What was I thinking?

My university life started after my parents had returned from their work trip. I sometimes find it unbelievable for I have always pictured my college life in Korea, I now strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Since I first came to the school with a mask on for my registration, I became used to wearing it and made it my identity and it earned me a nickname among my coursemates within a while. I become the masked girl to the world.

I find it very funny when nothing is going on between Suhail and me but we have already planned our lives like couples do. He will graduate at twenty-five and I will at twenty-three, we are going to finish together since he has to study cardiosurgery for another three years then we will spend another year or two focusing on job life and preparation for our marriage.

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