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I would be an official adult by midnight today and instead of celebrating like I thought I would because my new classmates insist, I am too caught up with schoolwork to give in to distractions. I haven't gone back home in two weeks and I won't be able to go for another week but I can get to go tomorrow if I finish the load of assignments I have tonight.

Maryam called me immediately when it was midnight and wished me then we talked for minutes if not an hour because we hadn't spoken to each other in a while. Like every other person's birthday, I got a lot of wishes even from the people I don't know but Suhail didn't wish me, not even a text. I called Mommy back after seeing she had called twice while I was talking to Maryam, I didn't even see her call come in. Luckily for me, they have not retired to bed so I switched it to FaceTime video. She and Daddy both wished me a good life and I later asked for Suhail after telling them I would be coming back tomorrow evening. He just waved his hand at me and didn't wish me and he very much knows it's my birthday. I got to bed after I was done with all my work and my anger towards Suhail still lingered.

My phone was the first thing I checked after I woke up and still no call or text from him, this was my first birthday with him for God's sake. I got ready sluggishly and went to class, I also didn't see him at school the whole day and I was very sure he had come because I saw his car in the morning. He knew I was to go back with him yet he left without me. I called an Uber as I packed my bag it was Friday after all.

"Is anyone home?" I asked Malam Lawal after he opened the gate for me and shook his head no. "They just went out"

How could they go out again after they know I'm coming, It's my 18th birthday for crying out loud. I went inside feeling a bit of blue and the lights were off as usual, a habit before going out. I switched it on but the light didn't go on and I tried again but still, nothing which is very odd. The switch couldn't be spoiled, I got my bag to take my phone out to get myself out of the darkness when suddenly


Someone shouted behind me frightening the living daylight out of me and I fell down to the floor, very hard. "Ouch"

"That must be painful" A voice that belongs to the person I am annoyed with said behind my back as he put the light back on.

I thought Malam Lawal said they all went out. He first didn't wish me then ghosted me at school and now gave me a scare. I rolled my eyes at him as I got up and walked into the living room. A birthday banner was hung on the wall.

Happy birthday Hafsat

If he thinks just this will make me forgive him then he is crazy. I turned to where he was standing to give him a piece of my mind but he had suddenly disappeared. I looked around wondering where he went when I saw a balloon stuck with a string on the switch of the bulb where he was standing earlier.

My legs quickly carry me to where it was hoping it is what I think it is. I burst it with my nail and a note fell from it just like I thought. I read it and it says

"There is Superman...

I looked around to find the next clue and I did, it was the beanbag at the far corner of the living room that has the color of Superman's outfit and a balloon was attached to it. I burst it too and the note says

"There is Batman...

I quickly looked up and saw a Batman balloon stuck to a fan.

"There is Spiderman...

I didn't get this one immediately I looked around and there were balloons stuck to other places but none was related to Spiderman so I kept looking until I saw it in a corner on the wall tied onto its string that is in a web-like way.

"There is Aquaman...

I got this one immediately and it was attached to the water dispenser.

"There is Ironman...

I already saw one attached to the window burglar while looking for the spider man clue and it says

"I don't want to be any of them....

That was the last balloon in the parlor and dining area, what could this sentence mean? I went to the kitchen, Daddy's home office, and outside but I did not see any balloons again. This cannot be the end of the sentence or I did not get it. I take slow steps upstairs to my room to shower when I see another one on the corridor attached to my picture.

"I only want to be your man"

I propped up against the wall with a big smile plastered on my face. He wants to be my man!!!

I walked to my room feeling giddy about how things went out. He had already captured my heart without trying and now that he has tried I feel like my heart will explode out of my chest because of the intense feelings it carries towards him. A dress was kept on my bed and a card was next to it.

"My love for you is a first.
My love for you is innocent.
My love for you is strong.
My love for you is here to stay.
My love for you is a forever thing.
You are my only, my first, and my last.
I cannot imagine myself with no other but you.
The love I have for you can't be put into words.
Happy birthday my Suhaila, I hope I am the only reason behind your happiness today"

I felt crazy, my heart was beating wildly that I could hear it beating. I felt a whole new wave of emotions.

I happily showered and got ready.

I have not been nervous around him since after we returned from Adamawa. But I find it hard to go down to meet him since he texted me saying he is waiting for him. I don't know how to act around him not after he had solely expressed his feelings towards me.

I get down the staircase at a slow pace, my heart beats with every step I take. I told myself it was just Suhail but the way my cheeks flushed and my stomach churned in his presence told me he wasn't just Suhail anymore and I realized how relentlessly caught on the hop I was for him.

"I hope I am not late," He said again as he handed over a wrapped box to me, I couldn't ignore the jitters when our hands touched. What is wrong with me?

I thanked him as I kept the box on the table and told him that I thought the dress was his birthday gift which he shook his head in reply. We got to the parking space and he opened the car door for me before he also got in. It was awfully silent as we drove to wherever it was he was taking me to, it has never been this awkward between us.

He also looked nervous as he fidgeted with his hand on the steering wheel. He took his eyes off the road and back to me repeatedly before he questioned. "Do I get a chance?"

As if he needed to hear it again he already knew because I literally told him to his face and I don't know where I got the will from when instead of replying I kissed his cheek, It wasn't a peck cause my lips lingered on his face for a while.

He was utterly stunned because he stopped driving he stopped right in the middle of the road.

I swiftly covered my face with my mask to hide the smile that formed on my face. Where did I get the gut from? Some time passed and he was still yet to continue driving or change his position. I gave him a quick look over to see why he hadn't moved and I comprehended that his gaze was on me. He was looking at me like I was his valuable possession like I just said yes to his lifelong prayer.

Car horns from other people made him to continue driving and I stole a glance at him again and he had a big grin on his face. "You just gave me the world babe"

Did he just babe me?!

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