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The masked girl

Knowing I am the reason behind his reconciliation with his family even in what I am going through had me feeling a bit of satisfaction, Suhail would be so proud.

"You still there?"

I texted the person that will help in carrying out my plan. I have planned this for more than a year to let it get ruined, Aliyu had already delayed me for a week. I cannot let it slide anymore.  It's crazy how I have never found vengeance books or movies entertaining but end up getting to do what usually happens in them. I had my outfit designed specifically for this, I went with all black, my mask is black already.

My phone dings with a message.

"You can come out"

He throws the key to the bike to me and helped me scale down the fence, I nodded my head at him starting the bike and driving away. Final, finally. I have waited way too much.

Revenge! Something I swore I'd do. People I will hunt down and make them go through what we went through. People lives I'm going to ruin scratch that, I am going to take the lives of the people that didn't get punished for their actions one after another. That was what the law was supposed to do but didn't and I am now the law. I am a fucking soldier with the skills and recognition to take care of the guilty. I am going to show them what I learned, the girl they turned me into.

I rode my bike to my first victim, I made sure he was drugged from the last place he went to, the drug will make it easier for me. He will not try to defend himself or harm me.

Finding my way inside his living room was easier than I expected, I just went in through the window. I know he is already in bed with the lights being off but I am not sure whether he is asleep or not. I move into his bedroom pushing the door quietly not to wake him up if he is sleeping, I turned the lights on to see him laying on his bed in a deep slumber, should I just kill him in his sleep?

I walked to his bed and bend over to his level, I sat right where his face is facing and removed my mask. I am going to enjoy seeing his reaction. I slowly blow air on his face waking him up in the process.

His eyes widened in terror and quickly moved to the other side of the bed. His body started to tremble and he try to speak but could not find his voice, he is too shocked to do anything.

"You thought I was dead right?" I asked him standing up and sitting on the chair in the room. I crossed my legs sitting more comfortably and slowly bring my knife out. "I am sure you know why I am here," I tell him again chuckling.

He got down from the bed and ran towards the door not knowing I had locked it.

I laughed showing him the key and putting it back in my pocket.

"Don't touch me" He warned moving away from the door. "I will call the police and report you for breaking in"

I snickered and used my knife in breaking his phone into pieces, I made sure I broke every part of it. "Ooopsie"

I got up stretching and started walking towards him, I am done playing games. He move back with every step I take till he was pressed to the wall. Perfect.

He quickly fell to his knees when he knew he was doomed, he knows his end is near. I promised them that I will skin them alive and take pleasure from their pain, prolonging the experience as much as I can.

"I have been trying to ask for your forgiveness since- I cut him off moving closer to him "Shhh" placing the knife on his lips. "Do you think I came here to hear your apology?"

He shakes his head no.


And I strike cutting his arm downwards, it was good that he is in a singlet. I did the same to his other arm and he couldn't do anything but shouted in pain. I am enjoying this better than I thought. His shouts were music to my ears.

"Please" He begged when I slashed him deeply on his leg and I stopped. "Did you just say please?" I cut him deeper. "Did you just beg me?"

I moved to his other leg giving him no time to answer, cutting him exactly like I did to the other. "Did you listen to my pleads?" I rhetorically asked cleaning off the blood that is on my hands on his vest.

"Did you heed on to my pleas when I was begging you" I gave him another cut. I cut him with each question.

"You didn't listen to my pleas"

I moved to his face and cut it down to his throat.

He shouted.

I cut him in every place visible, brutally. I was not joking when I say I am going to skin them alive. His blood was everywhere and the satisfaction of revenge hits me.

I hold his hand and raise it to his eye level. "This was exactly how you broke my heart," I told him and cut his wrist, very deep in his artery that he will bleed out in an hour.

I moved away from him knowing I had given him enough pain to suffer before he leaves the world. I watched him cry in pain watched him beg for his life. I couldn't stop myself from crying, it made me remember going through that.

I watched him try to hold on to living. I watched him bleed out and slowly the little life he has give out. I watched him die.

My mother told me that revenge will never bring what is lost, and I agree. But it made me feel better.

Third person's POV

Aliyu could not fall asleep he was too happy to lie down so he just stayed up rummaging through his room and rearranging things, something he enjoy doing at night. He heard the sound of a door opening and checked through his window to see whose it is.

He was surprised to see her all dressed up. She was in black jeans, a black shirt, a black denim jacket, black heels, and as usual black mask. He saw her look around checking to see if there is anyone there and he couldn't help but close the curtain when she looked at his window.

He waited for a while and followed after to see where she was heading this late, he was there as she scaled the fence and he heard the sound of a bike leaving.

How could she scale the fence without being caught, where are the guards?

He went back to his room with a lot of thoughts running wild in his mind. He wondered where she went to. He wondered why she went out. He didn't know when he fell asleep while waiting for her.

She returned somewhere around four in the morning. She feels great now knowing those at fault are punished for their actions. She knows she will never be able to wash the blood of her enemies and that is why she got four sets of her outfit.

She removed the clothes immediately she went into her room and entered the bathroom. She set the clothes on fire and watched it burn, she had been crying since she recalled going through that vulnerable moment. Where she couldn't do anything but watched her life get ruined, she knows doing this did not make her any different from them since it's almost exactly what they did to her but she is doing it because it is the right thing to do. They committed a crime and didn't get punished for it and she couldn't watch them go free not when they took the life of an innocent person.

After the next day's training as usual they were shown what is happening in town. It had been long since a murder case was reported but yesterday a man was killed. He bled to death as a result of being cut on the wrist and was brutally cut on some parts of his body. There was no evidence yet but the law will go into investigation.


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