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Saving the baby and the mother become my only priority at the moment. I ran a quick diagnosis on her despite reading the one that the nurse did, just to be sure and safe. The labor isn't progressing and the baby is in fetal distress. As the assisting doctor, I'm not supposed to start a surgery on my own but if the cesarean section is delayed any longer, we might lose the two so I carry on with it. Her husband signed the consent form and we prepared for the C-s.

Dr. Zainab arrived right before the mother was placed under general anesthesia apologizing for being late, she also thanked me for being there which surprised me. For a while, I thought I was being irresponsible. The two of us carried on with the surgery along with a nurse. I took a look at the patient while putting an IV on her arm, her face made me stop, and I literally froze. I haven't seen her face all this while because I was carried away with starting the surgery, even though her name rang a bell in my head when I signed her form.

Fatima Abdulmajeed, Suhail's course mate. The woman that played a vital role in Suhail's death, the same woman that claimed to love him.

I could hear the voices of Dr. Zainab and the nurse asking me what was happening, I watched someone get me out of the operating theater. They probably thought I reacted this way because it was my first time in a cesarean section.

She has moved on with her life and settled as if she did not support the act of taking another person's life.

I don't even know who helped me back to my office, I was in an utter shock. I forgot Aliyu was waiting for me until I felt his hands on my shoulder.

"What happened?"

I don't really know.

I rest my head on the desk wondering what really happened. Yes seeing her after so many years surprised me, the fact that she has moved on with her life annoyed me. I thought I had gotten over the what-if questions but I couldn't stop myself now, would Suhail still be here if it wasn't for her help?

Aliyu kneeled before me with a glass of water in his hand. "Take" The order in his tone was loud and clear that I didn't refuse. He can take my mood swings anytime but doesn't play when it comes to my health. I almost hallucinated, something I haven't done in ages. "Tell me what happened Hafsat"

"I saw Fatima" I started before removing my mask and moving back to the one-seater couch in the office. I told him all that happened, the voices in my head included. I hide nothing from him and he patiently listens as I go on.

He never judges me, yes he pinpoints my mistakes and corrects me when I'm wrong but he never judges me. One has a reason for every decision, his words not mine. He also hears my reasons before saying anything and this time is no different. "What if the other doctor wasn't there?"

His question brought me back to my complete sense. How did I let myself get carried away? I can't even imagine what would have happened if Dr. Zainab wasn't there. I have been very reckless. And it pains me more that I don't seem to care about leaving the theater room.

"Let's get you out of here first" He stood up from my lack of response and carried my back which I already packed up earlier, always a gentleman. "Let's go," He said helping me up and I lead the way, and he is mine.

Fatima got off my mind as soon as I stepped out of the hospital because of my prince charming. He knows me far so much to let anything or anyone disturb my peace not even my mind.

I found love where I least expected it from, it was in my moment of weakness. My most vulnerable moment. He picked up the pieces of my shattered heart, tucked them carefully away, and slowly put them back together piece by piece.

THE MASKED GIRL Where stories live. Discover now