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The masked girl

Funfair! The only place I dread going, the place where everything began. To my dismay, we went to the same fun fair that ruined my life, the very same.

It took me fourteen months to stop getting flashbacks of what happened, my nightmares stopped and I stopped seeing things and hallucinating. I could go to places that held so many bad memories and not see things, the psychotherapy I attended worked it got rid of my psychedelic. I was too scared to visit the fun fair again, the last thing I wanted is to remember how it all started. I would have worked on it had I known that the army visits the fun fair but now that I couldn't do anything I just have to do it and see what happens, who knows maybe I have fully recovered.

I chose the roller coaster as it has been the only one I ride on even with my acrophobia but I stopped riding it after watching final destination. I will always prefer it to pirate ship no matter what so I joined the queue for Roller coaster.

"We are sorry but the roller coaster is filled up, kindly go to the Pirate ship"

And right after hearing that my heart shattered into pieces, if I still have one. Can I do it? Is my reason here worth it? What will happen if I lose focus and hallucinate? I want to talk my way out of it but the instructor would never agree not after what happened between me and him about my mask at the barrack. It's just like Aliyu said, I am a product of my own decision I chose this so I have to do it. I can do it.

To my luck, Aliyu was next to me. I thought he was riding the roller coaster earlier. I was hard on him when he asked about my masked and he was hard on me when I said I didn't want to come to the fun fair.

"Sorry about earlier"

"I'm sorry for earlier"

We both said at a time. I chuckled and he gave me his signature smile, his dimples grin. The ride was launched and it started moving. I panicked, Aliyu sensed that and hold my hand to support me. He thinks my acrophobia is the reason why I am tense. Should I tell him? This is surely not the right time so I cling to him, at least I have someone I trust next to me if things get bad.

And it did get bad if not worst.

The person, the person that ruined my life. The man I despise more than anything in this world, the man I will never forgive was right next to me instead of Aliyu. The clothes I was wearing changed to the one I wore that day, everything around me changed to the way it was that day. I am reliving the day.

Where could Suhail be? I asked myself.

He made me do this and then disappeared. The ride was launched and I got scared this was my second time on it. He said it will only take a minute or two but he was nowhere close, he knew how much I'm scared of heights. He made us come here and made me agree on riding the pirate ship. He came back late, the ride was already going fast. I watched him mouthed an I'm sorry' holding his ears apologizing and I mouthed will kill you' back cause I will surely kill him for making me do this alone.

When I couldn't hold it any longer, I hold on to the person next to me. I mean hug. I didn't know that will be the biggest mistake in my life, I hugged the wrong person. He used that chance and touched me in places he shouldn't. I couldn't even move an inch for how dizzy I was not to talk of stopping him I hate that I have acrophobia. I hate a lot of things about me.

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