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The following days that came after Suhail and I started a relationship were the best times in my life. It was a moment that made me look at him in a different light, it was like the old Suhail that I know was replaced with a completely different person.

We were almost inseparable during the weekend that I was at home. I woke up to breakfast in my room kept by him, that was how Mommy realized something was going on. We spent the whole day talking about everything and nothing. The passion and compassion that surround you when you are in love is a very satisfying feeling.

I tried to tell myself that I had completely forgotten what happened on the ride it was the worst experience of my life. I try to forget the feeling of his hand groping my body which always goes unsuccessfully. My mood changes each time I think of it and knowing I am to be blamed makes anger boil within me. I would give everything I have to erase that day off my life if only there was a way. But knowing that I cannot live in the past, that I cannot spend my life being sad about something I cannot change or control makes me forget everything. I was able to put it behind me in two weeks I was strong enough to live through it.

Suhail's residency was yet to be changed but we meet every morning before lectures began, when we were both on break, before he went back home and we talked round the clock on phone. We had been texting almost nonstop, our chat log was basically just one long rambling conversation, where we picked up a new topic once the old one had been exhausted. Today like always I found my way back to my phone once I needed to rest my brain for a bit.

"Are you sure you are done?"

He asked for my confirmation after I replied to his previous messages which I promptly answered. There was a time when I was in the library studying with a few of my coursemates when I pretended to be done while I talked to him. I suffered the consequences of my actions in a surprise test that happened the next day so he promised to never let something of such repeat itself again, as if it will be possible.

I moved from my study desk to my bed getting more comfy as I typed to him. Each time his reply came in, I find my heart skipped a beat in response. It was bizarre how excited I was and it was a feeling that I pray will last forever.

To my utmost dismay, I wouldn't be able to go home for the weekend again, this time because of a lecture that will take place for an absurd reason. Who gives lectures on the weekends? I can answer that for myself- our lunatic biochemistry teacher who hardly comes to his weekday lecture but always keeps up with the one that the school doesn't know of, he is lucky nobody has reported him yet. I like learning a lot but anything that ruins my weekend sleep is my mortal enemy, in this case, my biochemistry teacher. I don't like him even a bit. Speaking of people I don't like, Abdallah had constantly been following me around the school but Suhail was always there to keep him in his place. I will never take part in any sinful act even with the person I'm in love with talk less of an animal like him. It makes me to actually wonder whether he is sick on the brain to think I will agree to his ridiculous request like what world does he think we live in? I think he lost his intelligence when Suhail took the best student position from him.

After the tedious lecture that lasted for two hours was done we went to the laboratory for a practical test which lasted for another two hours because we were not prepared and it was very difficult. I spent the remaining hours of the day catching up with my sleep only to end up being on the phone with Suhail the entire night because I forgot about having another lecture the following morning. Sunday also went the same way Saturday did except that the lecture lasted for an hour and the practical lessons for four, I stood for almost four hours straight apart from leaning on the wall for a few minutes. Why did I choose to study medicine?! I have to hear how Maryam is coping that she even gets the time to take pictures during lectures and practicals. The last time I looked at a camera apart from my everyday video call with Suhail was on my birthday.

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