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He drove us to my favorite restaurant, a place I cannot spend three days without eating from but with school stress and everything I haven't gone or ordered there for a month. I listened as he ordered for the two of us, he then excused himself.

I thought he was going to the restroom instead he went to talk to one of the attendants and a microphone was brought to him as the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran started playing in the background. He clapped his hands together to get my attention which was already on him as he spoke into the microphone.

"Here is to the girl that brightens my life-

He raised a toast to me and the attention of the people around turned from him to me. "The girl that makes my heart skip a beat every time I see her. We completed each other too effortlessly since we met even as a kid I believed she was that person for me. Every other human has that person who is made for them and I have met mine a decade ago"

He paused and sang along to the second verse of the song as he walked towards me his eyes on me the entire time. He was not the one that wrote the song and I have listened to it uncountable times but the way he sings- it was like the words were meant for me. He got down on one kneel "Hafsat Usman- He called my full name as he pulled a ring box out of his pocket and my breath hitched in the process.

"Since I first saw you on the sand in tears and you looked at me like I am your knight in shining armor I know you are the one for me, that moment gave me a quick glimpse of heaven. I know I was in love even without knowing what it actually was and when I met you again I knew right away there is no other one but you. I am bizarrely in love with you Hafsat so much that no words can tell. Will you please make me the happiest man on earth by giving me the pleasure of calling you mine?"

My eyes were already watering when he was done with his speech. This side of Suhail is too much for me to handle my heart might break out of my body. First the hunt confession and now a proposal. Can this day get any better?!

"Of course, I will"

I whispered in one breath as he slid the ring onto my finger and then gave it a peck. Joy and excitement engulfed me at once. I was too happy to eat so we ordered out and left the place we received many congratulations along the way.

The fun fair was our next destination because he turned a deaf ear to my protest. I haven't been to one in ages since I cannot go on most of the rides over there. We got on the Ferris wheel first and it was somehow fun but I did not enjoy it. He agreed to my opinion after much persuasion from my side so we walked around the fairground chatting and buying almost every eatable thing we passed. We sit on a bench beside a pirate ship to rest our legs and munch on the items we bought. I laughed at the people going crazy and shouting for their lives on what they got on themselves without being forced that made me wonder why people get on this ride when they are only going to shout in the end.

It happened in a span of time, I don't even know what made me agree. He got up as he told me that he was going to ride the pirate ship and I sniggered at him in response making him chase me around the place like kids. I don't know if it was the thrill of darting all over the place or the way he dared me that made me agree to go on the pirate ship with him.

His phone rang immediately it was our time to get on and it was his father who was calling. It looked like he had something important to tell him so he excused himself and got out of the queue leaving me alone with my fears. I got on because I thought he would return before the ride started but he didn't.

I forgot how terrifying the ride was after all I was only on it once my whole life when I was twelve. I closed my eyes too frightened to even move a muscle, I quickly looked down to see whether he had returned or not and I watched him mouth an I'm sorry' holding his ears apologizing. Another wave of dizziness buried me after I looked down and I panicked holding onto the person beside me for comfort.

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