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They ganged up on him again and gave him another dose of beating and I couldn't do anything but ask for mercy, I begged and pleaded. I did all I could, but they ignored me. It reached a point where I couldn't do anything but watch them rain blows on him. I couldn't shout anymore. I couldn't cry or beg. They leave him after beating him to their satisfaction, he can hardly lift a finger. He is in this situation because of me, because he came to save me. What have I done?

I hurried to where he lay and I tried to get him up but I was held back by one of them and Abdallah brought his knife out again and bent over to Suhail. He picked his right hand up as he held his wrist, the thought of what he would do sending shivers down my spine. He was also a medical student he knew where the arterial vein is located on the wrist and what will happen if it gets cut. "No! Please" I cried out yet he calmly cuts him on the wrist right where the vein is located as if it will not kill him.

"He will bleed to death" I speak my voice breaking and the realization killing me.

"That's the plan baby"

And he leaves with his friends trailing behind just like that. They left us in the middle of nowhere with Suhail's life at stake. Where would we go? How will we get out of this place? I scrambled to where he was As he tried to get up, I violently removed his belt off his trousers and tied it on his hand applying as much pressure as I could to stop the bleeding. The thought of him not making it out pushed behind my mind, I am going to save us both. He cannot die.

I helped him up and we walked to a tree where I leaned him up against it and I got up. "Wait here while I go get help" He held my hand stopping me from going "You won't get anyone"

He was right. It was dark already the moon being the only source of light and there was no sign of life around here. It was just us. I leaned on the tree instead and changed his position putting his upper body on me and I held onto his wounded hand. It was still bleeding very badly, arterial bleeding is one of the fastest ways to die.

How my life changed from how it has always been and is supposed to be was very tragic. So this was it. This was my fate, to watch my other half die? When both our lives just start? When the future seem promising? Why did it have to be this way? Why us?

We just stayed in silence each of us in an inner battle with the reality. I refused to accept what the cruel world offered, this cannot be the end. We will get out of this place and Suhail will be treated. I didn't realize I was crying until he had cleaned my tears and I looked down at him bursting into another fresh tears after I saw his face, he was in pain. "It's okay we were created to die afterall"

How was it okay? He would be leaving me forever. "You cannot die" I speak my voice breaking. He couldn't die, I wouldn't let him. Not this night. Not before his time.

"I also don't want to die like this and leave you to go through the pain they caused you alone" My sobs were the only sound that could be heard in this deserted place. "It's funny how Ummah had always said if I don't learn to control my anger it will one day be the end of me" He laughed as he tried to lighten up the mood.

Is this really it? Will Suhail really be gone if we don't get out of here tonight? And I will never see him again. How can I survive that? I can survive being raped by four men but can I live a life without Suhail? No. I try to get up and go find help wherever it is because I cannot stand watching him bleed right in front of me but he stopped me again. "Don't go, please. Let me talk to you in the remaining hours I have left" His statement crushed down my already broken heart into a million pieces that will never be put back together.

"Please don't mourn my death too much. Live your life just the way you would do if I was around. Live the days for us, make sure Ummah gets an operation, and apologize on my behalf for not fulfilling her promise. My life is not just mine, Allah has better plans. He knows why he chose to take my soul now. I would love to live but I think my time here is over, I can feel it. I know you will get someone who will love you for you so please don't shut him out. I want you to tell your kids about me and your grandkids too. Send my goodbyes to everyone and tell them I ask for their forgiveness. I love you Hafsat, so much that it hurts that I cannot be with you anymore. Pray for me always please"

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