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I went back inside happier than I thought I would when I went out, a big smile was plastered on my face you will think I am crazy.

"I have never seen you smile like this before"

"I thought you guys were going to kiss when he cupped your face"

My two so-called friends chirped in as soon as I closed the door, I hope you know who said what. I don't bother answering them.

I couldn't stop thinking about him even after I was done for the night and settled in bed, it was like I was sixteen again. I actually missed feeling like this a lot. The butterflies in me went whirlwind in my stomach since he cupped my face and told me what it would feel like to be his.

I'm I already in love again? And since when did I start seeing Aliyu this way? Since when is he not intimidated by me anymore? Since when was he bold and romantic?! Sleep is out of my agenda tonight, I have been trying to fall asleep for hours and hesitating between texting him or not. Since when am I this nervous around Aliyu? My phone ping and my heart almost break out of its place.

"How is my birthday girl doing?"

Did he read my mind???

"Did you go back to your hotel safe?"

"Ouch! You did not answer my question"

My eyes rolled at his exasperation.

"I am doing more than good"


Oh, one-word reply. "Your turn" I remind him of my question.

"I did"


"I had a good time today"

"Me too. Thanks to you"

"No, it's all you"

The way I am smiling is crazy.

"When will you be going back?"

"You are already tired of me"

"I am hurt :("

Why is he so childish?

"I am just wondering"

"In three days"

I replied with a sad face and crying emoji because I didn't want him to go back already.

"Now I feel loved"

The heart emoji after it got me but I play it cool.

"Don't overthink it"

We continue talking about nothing and everything mostly the silliest of things completely unaware of the time.

"Sleep is knocking on the door"

That is when I checked the time. "03:27" I almost cried out because I have a project to submit at seven in the morning.

"I have class in the morning :("

"Oya hurry and sleep"

"I'm not a child"

"But you are my baby"

I rolled my eyes again.

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