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I may say he is my favorite stranger cause he listened quietly all through my rants. He just stared at me and when I was done instead of asking questions or something he was just calm.

"Somethings never change," He said after he has finished looking at me to his satisfaction and what does he mean by that? "What?"

He sits upright ignoring my question and asks me another. "So your mom lives with you and your husband?"

"Is that only what you get from all I said?"

He shrugged his shoulders in response. "You are supposed to take sides. Is not like I'm going to waste the airtime" I tell him what he is supposed to do.

"Then I'm on Mommy's side" He answered

What? Mommy? How did he know that? "How do you know what I called my Mom?"

He looked guilty before shrugging it off. "You said it in your rants" Did I?

"So how is your husband?" He asked changing the topic and leaning on the bench. "Want to hear something funny?" I asked him as I mimicked his position.

"Uhm yeah" He answered

"I lied"

I told him the truth for one, he may know who Suhail is and two I want to talk about Suhail.

"It is obvious" He replied

Is this guy for real?

"Why did you name your fake husband Suhail?"

He just touched the button I've been wanting to talk about.

"I don't even know how to put it but he is this person that holds a big place in my heart"

And that is how I talked about Suhail. How we met, the time we spent together, the time I spent away from him, and now that I don't even know his looks. I told him a lot of things even those I never say aloud before, I told him everything and what I feel towards Suhail because he is a good listener and I want him to know I am taken before he complicates matters for me.

"So you like him?" He asked when I was done.

I eyed him. "Do I have to say it?" I stood from the bench and step down to the tree, to the spot where Suhail carved the initials of our names.

It was a day before I left, he carved the initials with a plus in between and a heart around it.

"This place held a lot of memories" He said also remembering something and I give him a questioning look.


He started but my phone ringtone stopped him. The caller id reads

"Oreos thief"

It was his turn to give me the questioning look which made me giggle. "It's my best friend" I explained before answering.

"Hello thief" The crazy girl stole my biscuit from the airport when I was coming here. Who on earth will do that? Taking Oreo from the person you escorted to the airport.

"Your suitcase weighs much, I had to take it out"

She explained for the millionth time which was a big flat lie.

He went back to the bench waiting for me. I followed suit after I hang up. I did enjoy talking to him and as much as I want to know him I cannot cause he is supposed to be just a stranger, my stranger.

"You're a good listener," I said and he smiled at me. "Thank you cause talking to you made me feel better. Bye"

I went back home excited but then remembered he was about to tell me something before that thief called me and I don't think I will meet him again to know what it was.

I called her again as promised and filled her in about all that happened. I have someone to crush on before Suhail returned and I did find a way to watch my movie. I'm a die-hard fan of Korean dramas, it is one of the reasons why I chose to go to Korea for college. Maryam and I are already learning the language, we are going to rock it in Seoul.

I heard voices in the parlor after my call, Mommy probably had guests. I don't like visitors at all, even a bit especially these Adamawa people they are always like oh Hafsat is all grown up I don't know if they were expecting me to stay as a seven-year-old forever.

"Hafsat?" Mommy called out.

I know they must seek for my presence so I pretended to be asleep but the girl that is helping with chores was sent to call me, I have no other option but to go greet them.

I dragged myself to the living room and Mommy started her rants about me being an introvert which I'm not, ambivert will fit more perfectly. I am selectively social but I still listened to her talk. I realize there was even no one in the room, did she just call me to complain about having a quiet daughter?

"If not that he insists on seeing you I will have not sent for you" That is only what I got from her rants. "He who?" I asked my heart surprisingly beating faster.

He chuckled and I felt his presence, he was sitting on the couch behind me. I don't know how I didn't notice someone sitting there when I came in.

"Hey Hafsat" He greeted and I could recognize that voice anywhere, not when I just listened to it an hour ago. I turned around and my suspicion was right.

My stranger guy in all his mightiness sitting in his glory and showing me his signature dimples smile.

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