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Third person's pov

She was taken back to her room after some injections. The barrack already knew about her psychedelic. The entire time no one removed her mask.

She woke up after some hours. And the first thing she did was ensure she was still masked. She tried to recall what happened cause she knew she didn't lay to sleep and when she couldn't she stood to do something. She checked the time and it reads 03:30 am.

She is used to forgetting what happened but it has been long since last she hallucinates. It is just like a person who is possessed by Jinn. You don't know what happened when it took over, but you know something did happen but you can't tell or recall. That is what happened to her whenever she hallucinates. So she did what her therapist asked her to do each time it happened. She should keep herself busy by doing other things. She prayed two raka'ahs then say some duas.

She prayed for her mission, she prayed for more strength and endurance. She prayed for him, she prayed for Suhail and she remembered what happened. The ride, flashback, Aliyu, and then she fainted. She hallucinated again. She hoped he didn't remove her mask, if he did that means he saw her scar. If he saw it then he will surely ask her how she got it and that is something she don't want to have a memory of ever again.

Just seeing it is a lot of burden, not to talk of telling how she got it. This is why she wears a mask, it serves as her shield. It became her identity. She hasn't stayed without a mask on for almost two years now. She has gotten used to it that she only removes it for three things. She hates seeing the scar. She doesn't look in the mirror anymore. She even sleeps with her mask on. Her mother tried to stop her but it has become a part of her.

That was the physical scar, she had a lot of scars that are buried deep in her mind. The feeling of a hand groping her body would forever be imprinted beneath her skin it will always haunt her.

She hopes that no one has seen her face, her scar. And all this wouldn't be happening if he was still here. She has been dead since he left.

Two days passed. She wasn't out for two days. Aliyu had been taking food to her door and always end up taking it back untouched. He knocked and talked but she don't respond. He has been restless since then.

"Man she is fine" Yusuf said to him while they were taking lunch. Aliyu had become a huge mess the past two days. "You need to stop worrying"

Aliyu sighed.

"I just want to be sure that she is"

He didn't have the appetite to eat so he decided to go to the field for fresh air and away from the crowd. It was their lunch break the field will be empty. He stood to go and when he turned their eyes locked. She is out of her room, he smiled immediately feeling the feeling he is used to having around her but doesn't know what it is. They stared at each other as he walked towards her. Only when he was close enough did he notice the visiting officer behind her. This means someone is here to visit her.

Her parents were alerted after what happened at the park two days ago and they rushed immediately to see their daughter.

Alhaji Usman and his wife Hajiya Eehma were seated on the chairs in the visiting room waiting for their daughter as an officer was sent to call her.

She hugged her father immediately after she entered the room, she has always been a daddy's girl. She then hugged her mother and started crying.

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