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Third person's POV

Suhail had been staying in his car since when Hafsat went missing. It had been the most agonizing situation of his life. He has been blindly going everywhere looking for her with no progress. He woke up on the sixth day and saw a flash drive on the hood of his car, he wondered who got it there considering no one knew where he had been staying. He also doesn't know where he is, he just drives around all day looking for her and asking people about her with a picture and he stops at wherever it is When night time comes, his car has become his home. He quickly plugged the flash drive into his computer with the hope that it contained something that would lead him to Hafsat.

His nemesis and his henchmen were the last thing he expected to see."Hey, I hope you enjoy it and make sure you watch until the end because it's amazing" Abdallah's voice speaks as he laughs and his friends join. "We owe Fatima big time for her help because I know she will never get her end of the bargain"

He closed the laptop not having the time for them and their pranks. He drove home to hear whether there was progress on their side which was sadly the same as his. He wondered what kind of kidnappers held her hostage for almost a week without asking for a ransom or anything. He quietly leaves the house despite Daddy's warnings for him to stay at home and rest and also for his security because no one knows who took her and their motive. He rather get kidnapped and be with her than continue living without knowing her whereabouts. He got back into the car and drove out of the house.

How did she get kidnapped? Where could she be? Who is she with? Is she safe? He stopped in the middle of nowhere trying to collect his thoughts together. He hit the steering wheel taking his frustration out. Some part of him made him take his computer again and watch the video that was sent to him.

He couldn't finish watching and got out of the car. It was her. His Hafsat went through that. He threw the computer on the ground in anger as he stumped on it shattering it into pieces. He couldn't save her, he had failed her. He shouted at the open space with rage until he was drained and then fell to his knees crying. How could that happen to her?

Her cries rang in his ears, Abdallah was the one that took her. They raped his fragile Hafsat. His girl. His sister. They took what was his. He couldn't stop the tears as they flowed down his face. His heart was heavy. All that he was feeling was replaced with Pity. Anger and Revenge. He lost himself.

He speedily pulled out to Fatima's house almost knocking their gate down. He got into the house shouting her name like a madman. He had to control himself with everything in him not to hit her when she came out. She was behind everything, she led Hafsat to them knowing what they planned to do with her and she pretended to not know all this while.

"How could you be so heartless?" He harshly shouted at her. "I trusted you but you took my heart to the lion's den"

She was taken aback after she realized he had found out. "Suhail I'm--

He cut her off. "Tell me where she is"

"I only did that because I love you and you can only love me back when she is not around" She spoke her mind in one breath.

"Love?" He scoffed. "I cannot believe you put your fellow woman in danger because you want to be with a man" He takes dangerous steps towards her and makes her tell him the location.

His mind was only on finding Hafsa that he didn't think of informing Daddy or the police as he drove to the outskirts of the city alone.

The house was surprisingly quiet there was no car around the house when he parked and went inside. There was also no one inside when he went in, he walked into the only room in the house.

He was met with a heartbreaking sight, a sight that broke him all over. She was lying on the floor helplessly with her eyes closed and barely clothed. He takes slow steps towards her his heart getting heavier with each step. Is it his jovial Hafsat that is this vulnerable?

She flinched at his touch and shifted further away from him. She thought it was them. "Hafsat" He called out his voice breaking and she quickly opened her eyes and burst into tears immediately their eyes met, she was ashamed of herself.

"I am so sorry I came late" He started as he removed his shirt to cover her with it. Her body was shaking as he put it on her and the bruises on her body shattered his already broken heart. "I am sorry" He apologized again and hugged her.

She couldn't say anything but stayed in his hold her sobs also made him cry and he clutched on to her tighter.

"Tell me it's all a dream please" She whispered in between the sobs as she cried harder onto him. Yet again his already broken heart shattered into tiny pieces, he had failed to protect her. Can he ever forgive himself?

"Get me out of here Suhail"

She whispered under her breath again and he picked her up to go, they had already removed her handcuffs knowing she was too weak to even stand.

They came in right before Suhail got her out of the living room.

"If it isn't her prince in shiny armor" Abdallah mocked as his henchmen laughed with him.

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