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Daddy returned from his trip the following day in the evening, he had been away for almost a month. I let him rest after he arrived before I went to catch up with him, I have missed him more than I thought. The gateman called disrupting our conversation telling Daddy that Malam Iliya has requested to meet him.

I quickly got up to go meet him because I haven't told them what happened "Let me see what he is here for before you come"

His face had swollen up from yesterday's beating Suhail really gave him the beating of his life. "Hafsat?" He called out upon seeing me. "I am so sorry I let the devil take control but please spare my life I have kids to cater for and a sick wife" He got on his knees as he apologised.

I told him to get up as I am not out to listen to his apologies "You knew that you have a family to cater to yet you followed your heart's desire and what you thought was the right thing for you so don't blame the devil or anyone" I was amazed at myself for how serious I sound and scolded the old man as if he was a child. "You should just tell him that you are here to resign and don't think I didn't tell him because of your apologies or for you to continue with other girls. You have a family to attend to so respect that"

Daddy came out as I finished speaking and I walked away from them going back inside. Suhail stands in the corridor hands folded together on his chest annoyance written on his face. "Why did you do that?"

I don't know if he expected me to tell Daddy what happened so I explained to him how that will ruin his career and I don't want to be the main cause. He didn't find that a good reason and was upset about it so I leave him and his anger there and go inside.

"Why do you look glum?" Mommy moved her attention from the tv to me as I sit next to her. "Nothing" I replied laying my head on her shoulder.

Daddy came back with Suhail trailing behind. He told us what Malam Iliya said to him. "I hope you didn't do anything" Mommy starts to blame me.

"What could I have done?"

"Let's worry about getting a new teacher for her" Daddy said disagreeing with her.

"We shouldn't worry about that" I told them looking at Suhail and he get what I mean.

"I'll teach her"

Mommy complained about how I keep burdening him with my stress, how is she even my mother? He told her it doesn't matter yet she kept complaining. We talked for a while altogether before they leave for their room.

"What episode are you on now?" I asked him as I switched the tv from the Arewa24 movie that Mommy was watching to Netflix, he had already finished the first season.


We watched the remaining three episodes together after getting snacks to dine on. We afterward argued about which season is the best. Season two was mine and he preferred the first. He escorted me to my room which is not more than fifteen feet from his.

"I like what you did about Malam Iliya for his family even though he deserves to be punished" He commends as we stopped in front of my door and I smiled in response. "The beating you gave him was enough"

He looked at me in adoration which made me feel somehow on the inside.

"I cannot help it but love you more every day" He kissed my forehead and pecked me on the cheek then leave me solid frozen on the spot. My belly flustered again that is what he made me feel each time he looks at me with admiration how he always look at me but right now there is a war inside of me, a whole freaking jungle is at conflict in me.

I didn't know how long I stood but I called my best friend immediately after I got myself back together. I needed someone to stop me from going crazy.

Act like he never said it' Maryam's words were fresh on my mind the next day and I go through with it. He drove me to school since his lecture is in the evening and he wished me good luck with my exams, I nearly forget that I was starting my exams.

Exams luckily take my mind off things and what he said was never brought up again and I am both disappointed and glad.

"Aren't you having chemistry tomorrow?" Suhail questioned coming into my room I am already used to his unannounced visits. Sometimes he just comes in to look at me and go, typical brother's habits.

I murmured a yes to him not wanting to interrupt my reading. "And why are you not studying?"

He snatched the book I was reading from my hands and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I did what I can and Maryam will help"

And that got me into his preaching and how of waste stressing himself to teach me would be, like I asked him for that. I listened to him complain without responding at all and that annoyed him more and he stormed out.

I continue with my book anyways.

The third season of dr. romantic was not release when I started this book so it is what it is.

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