Read this first - yes, you. Do it. :)

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Hi, author here!

You are reading the OLD VERSION of Campus Crush, book 1.

This story has surpassed 2 MILLION READS! Thank you so much! It's almost kind of scary, but I know that I want my book to be worthy of every person that opens it.

I've decided to create a brand new version of this book, so I moved the old version here. That way, you guys can have access to both. Hopefully, that won't be too confusing.

The Campus Crush Series will follow the events of the NEW story. It will have entirely new scenes, dialogue, and timeline. I'll even be including some of my artwork because why not.

The new book looks like this on my profile:

I'm super excited! I've missed reading everyone's comments

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I'm super excited! I've missed reading everyone's comments. I'm not exaggerating - I read them ALL, no matter how inactive I may seem. It makes my day.

Thank you for being dedicated readers!

OLD Campus CrushWhere stories live. Discover now