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"Casper, you have to talk to me." Lucas followed me out of the bathroom and into my room. I didn't invite him in, but I couldn't get him off of my back anyway.

"I don't have to do anything." I replaced my toothbrush and toothpaste where they belonged before heading to my closet to look for an outfit.

"You're ignoring me for the wrong reason."

"Oh yeah?" I looked at him while my hands were still separating clothes. "So you can tell me that you have no feelings for Nash at all?"

"I..." Lucas sighed then grunted.

"Ah. The truth at last." I shook my head and picked out a shirt.

"But that's different. It's not about how I feel; it's about how he feels. He doesn't like me, Casper."

"Who cares anymore? The issue is that you made me think I had a chance. Why'd you even teach me to flirt and encourage me to ask him out if you like him?"

Lucas threw his hands up. "Because, Casper! I know he means a lot to you."

"Right. That or the fact that you knew I had no chance. That way, when he turned me down, you would've stolen him."

"Jesus, no! I was never even thinking that!" He urged. "I want the both of you to be together. That's the reason I helped you. I didn't have hidden motives. And if you think he likes me because you saw us cuddling that one time; it wasn't romantic."

"Sure looked that way."

"Look, he's going through stuff including a break up. I've been like a diary to him and I just wanted him to know he wasn't alone. That's all it was."

I put on my shirt before turning to focus on him. We were silent for about five seconds before I asked, "you really like him, don't you?"

His shoulders drooped. "Can I help it?" He rhetorically asked.

"I understand. He's... out of my league, and you should have him."

Lucas rolled his eyes at me. "You're oblivious. Great! Here, let me spell it out for you. He likes you. Nash likes Casper. Nash does not like Lucas. Understand?"

I paused for a second, the proceeding to put on my dark jeans. "Don't you think I've considered that? It's not me being oblivious, it's... Look, I can't think of one thing that tells me he really does like me. You know? I guess if I count the anatomy poster he gave me-"

"I can't believe he gave you a poster," Lucas murmured, holding back a laugh.

"It was sweet. But seriously. There's no telltale sign he has a crush on me. It's definitely possible, sure. Honestly, I haven't dropped any hints either."

"Well, see? You two just need to communicate better."

"It's whatever. I am sorry though, that I yelled at you like that," I apologized.

He shrugged. "It's fine. I get it."

"Thanks. Anyway, I have a study session to go to." I sighed, trying to get the entire situation out of my head.

"You're wearing that to a study session?" He analyzed my clothes. "I'd say you were going on a date."

"Not now, Lucas," I grumbled, brushing past him to put on my shoes.

"What class is it for?"

I sat down. "Psych."

He plopped onto my bed beside me. "Ooh, I love Psychology. Only because that hot piece of ass teaches it. God, can you believe he's gay? Even sexier."

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