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After my classes that day, I went to Harris dining hall to eat. It was a buffet-style cafeteria so I was able to get multiple plates. My appetite had finally been restored now that I was in a better mood.

Once again, I was alone, but it wasn't painful this time. Because I knew now that I had someone to look forward to seeing.

I stuck a few tater tots into my mouth and sipped some of my lemonade.

"Casper, is it?"

Startled, I dropped my fork onto my plate as a dreadfully familiar person appeared in front of me. He slid into the booth with his own plate, a sinister smirk on his face.

"Y-yes... You're Trey?" I recognized.

"Yeah. That would be me. I'm sure you've heard enough about me considering my ex is your roommate."

I swallowed, leaning back. I didn't say anything to him. I was timid in front of people I didn't know well.

"Not much of a talker, are you?"

I could tell he had a way with words. He must've charmed his way into Nash's heart.

"Anyway," he continued. "I'll do most of the talking then. I said I would enroll here, and I did just that. I figured it's better than running away from the awful place I call home. Plus I'm gonna get my ex back-that's a bonus."

I was prompted to speak. I didn't want to defend Nash, but I definitely preferred him to this boy in front of me.

"Maybe you misheard him, b-but he blatantly confessed his feelings for someone else and called it quits with you."

"Well, maybe you misjudged, but you aren't much of a competition."

My eyebrows knitted together and he sensed my confusion. "Wow," he grunted. "Not as smart as I sensed you were. Either that or your self esteem is practically nonexistent."

I stared down at my food.

"Don't you know he likes you? Did you think it was someone else?"

My fingers trembled on my lap. "I..." What was I supposed to say to that? Of course I knew it was a possibility, but other than Nash being nice to me, I had no other substantial reasons to think he truly liked me. Besides, he couldn't just have sex with someone else then claim to like me. What the hell was that?

"Like I said, you're not much competition. Nash doesn't love easy, so he can't just fall for you, a person he barely knows. Besides, he has a knack for screwing things up for himself. Once he fucks up his chances with you, he'll come running back to me. It's happened before." Trey shrugged. "It'll happen again. And with your lack of self esteem, I don't think you two stand much of a chance any way."

He grabbed hold of his plate. "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go make my presence at this school known to my ex."

Winking at me, he stood up and walked away from me.

I sighed, snatching up my plate of food and reluctantly dumping it. I hated to waste it, but I feared I'd lost my appetite once again. I checked the time on my phone and realized it was near five.

I needed to put my thoughts about Nash and Trey in the back of my mind right now. Usually, David was the only one who could remove my worries from the face of the earth even if it was just for a moment.

So. Education Building. Office 336. Again.

With my head bowed, not making eye contact with any one whizzing by, I made my way to the largest building on campus and took the stairs to the third floor. I treaded to his wide-open door and saw him seated at his desk doing paperwork.

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