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Danielle →

I wanted to blame myself, and I honestly did. I was the one who asked him to get the surgery. He was doing this for me.

So yes, this had to be my fault. I buried my head in his chest so that he wouldn't see me cry and I felt his arms encase me.

"David, I can't lose you." I hugged him tighter. It was clear that he didn't know what to say to ease my pain, but that was understandable. He just kissed the top of my head.

"I have a thirty-two percent chance. I should take it."

"That gives us less than two weeks together." I shook my head. "I promised to be supportive, and I am. I just can't... fathom 2 weeks..."

"Casper, look at me." I lifted my head and he cupped my cheeks. "I'll fight for you, you hear me? I'm gonna survive this surgery, and when I see that bright white light calling out to me, I won't go near it. I'll remember that I have someone to fight for, and I'll wake up to you."

I blinked, letting my tears stream down continuously. "I know you're in pain, so if it's too much to bear then let go of me."

"I'm not letting you go, Casper," he refused.

"I'm scared," I admitted I'm a quiet voice. "But don't you go blaming yourself for wanting to be with me because I'm glad I know you. I'm glad I feel this way about you."

He smiled, letting go of my cheeks. "Then don't be afraid. You know what helps me take my mind off of everything?"

I nodded. "Cooking," I figured, wiping my tears.

"Exactly. How about that recipe I promised you?"

"Okay," I agreed, accepting the reality of our situation. There was nothing I could do but support him, and that was what mattered. I followed him into the kitchen where Dani was nibbling on cookies, but like me, there were unfallen tears in her eyes.

I did what David asked and ignored her. She clearly seemed like she wasn't in the mood to entertain either of us.

"You consider that you might actually like my boyfriend if you got to know him?" David said to her with a mischievous eyebrow raised. She glared at him, wiping her eyes clean.

"Jesus, let me cry in peace." She turned away from us, finishing the rest of her cookie.

David looked at me, retrieving a pot. "She eats her feelings a lot."

He made me laugh. Watching them interact with each other reminded me of myself and my younger brother, so it was refreshing.

"Let's not get started with your bad habits!" Dani defended herself, turning back around. David laughed at her.

"I don't have bad habits," he denied.

"I'm not surprised. Psychologists have a tendency to deny or overlook their own flaws." She smirked triumphantly, feeling that she had the upper hand in their funny argument.

"Well, Dani, at least I put myself through school."

She scowled. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You're daddy's princess; figure it out." He added water and light salt to the pot then set it on the stove. I watched his movements, wary of his symptoms. It was evident that he was tired, but cooking made him feel better so I didn't complain.

"David, you need rest," his sister took the words right out of my thoughts.

'Rest won't remove my tumor," he stubbornly declined.

"Funny, you think it's up for debate. Well, it's not. Please, rest. It'll ease your headache and I can cook for you."

"Can we not do this, Dani?" he sighed.

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