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::Matt Bomer as David Larsen::

My class ended at 10:50 am. Once the professor dismissed us, we all gathered our belongings and Ava snatched my hand.

"You're my new friend!" She declared, dragging me out of the class, but not before stealing one last glance at Dr. Larsen.

I did the same, catching his eye as his lips lifted into a very subtle smirk. He broke the eye contact and looked down at the sheets of paper in his hands.

"Have you had breakfast?" Ava questioned.

"I was planning to after class."

"Eat with me then! I have a friend. Just a mental note, he's gay and can be charming. But... He's in a difficult place right now because he had to break up with his boyfriend back home."

I slowly nodded. Should she be telling me this?

Her eyebrows furrowed as her lips fell into a pink pout. "The long distance thing just wasn't working out."

"What's your friend's name?" I asked.


I froze, staring at Ava in shock. God, please let there be a thousand other boys called Nash in this school.

"Uh, Ava... I-I'm gonna have to pass on breakfast..."

"Why?" She made puppy dog eyes which could work well on anyone. She must have had that mastered and ready for any sticky situation. But I had to resist.

"I actually... I have to ask Dr. Larsen some questions," I lied quickly.


"Yeah. There's some stuff I didn't understand, so... Maybe another day?"

"Casper, you didn't write a single word in your notebook." I felt busted for a second but then she lit up like a Christmas tree. "You like him!"

"What-- No, Ava," I shook my head but she wouldn't have it.

"Go, silly! Go ask him your 'questions.'" She sent me an exaggerated wink.

I cleared my throat, feeling an awkward embarrassment creeping up my spine. So, I did the only thing that I could think of to escape. I walked back into the classroom as she went on her way.

I shouldn't have.

"Did you leave something behind?" The professor asked, his deep voice actually soothing.

I wished he hadn't seen me slip in.

"No, sir," I answered quietly as I approached him. I was surprised that he even heard me speak.

He chuckled. "You don't have to call me sir."

I blushed, cautiously walking a little closer.

"Did you have any concerns?"

I knew I had to think of something or else I'd look like an idiot.

"I did."

He nodded. "I've got a bit of time."

"Sure you don't have to prepare for your next class?" I asked, trying to stall.

He sent me a tiny smile as his thumb and first finger grasped the edge of his glasses, pulling them off. "I have a few minutes."

I nodded. "Alright, um... There was something I was confused about. John B. Watson... He founded and promoted behaviorism. What were his influences? I mean, something had to inspire him, right?"

Dr. Larsen's eyes burned into mine. "It isn't so much of what inspired him, but who. It was Ivan Pavlov."

"Who was inspired by Karl Vogt. But... Karl was mainly focused on things concerned with politics and philosophy. Ivan was known for classical conditioning and behavior modification. How does that even correlate?"

"Hmm," he hummed in thought. "You pose an excellent question." He stepped just a little closer, and I could smell him from where I stood. Thankfully, it wasn't some overpowering cologne. The scent of rosewood came in a single, gentle wave. "Politics and behavior... The correlation?"

"Yes, sir. I meant, Dr. Lar-"

"Please, call me David."

My heart stopped for a moment before I quickly nodded and spoke silently, "David..."

"There's something called political behavior. It's an aspect of what we know as political science. This studies the influences that define a person's political views and values. And behaviorism..."

"It studies responses to stimuli," I said.

"Yes, and how behavior is shaped through positive and negative reinforcement. That means that behavior-the way you and I respond to things was influenced by something. Same way a persons political views were impacted by something as well."

I pretended to have finally grasped what he was saying. "Of course! It all makes sense now, Dr... I mean, David," I corrected myself. I titled my head. "Do you usually let people call you by your first name?"

He smiled. "Makes it easier."

"I see," I quietly remarked.

He crossed his arms slowly. "You provoked thought in me. That's admirable."

I could feel myself blushing so I knew that was a cue for me to leave. "Thanks for... your time, Dr. Larsen." I stood up.


I sucked in a breath, staring into his eyes. "Right."

He gave me the most perfect smile I'd ever seen, so now I definitely had to go. A part of me felt like must've known the effect he had on me, and on everybody who had the privilege of speaking to him. He was so beautiful that I didn't feel worthy to behold such a sight.

Yup, he had to know.

"Before you run off, I didn't get your name."

"Oh. Sorry. It's Casper... Niely."

"Casper," he repeated, testing the name on his tongue. "Well, you have a great rest or your day."

"You as well." I turned around so I could hide my blush, and I continued out of the large room.

I made it out of my class and pressed my back to the door, letting a sigh out of my lips. That actually just happened.

I couldn't help but think back to Ava's words. She had a male friend named Nash... who was gay...

It couldn't be my room mate. I should've just went to breakfast with her.

But what if it was him? Just yesterday, he was talking to his significant other, and they seemed to be doing just fine. Besides, wasn't that a girl?

I shook my head and continued walking. I had some time before my next class, so I'd just head back to my room.

If Ava's friend really was my room mate, then he likely wouldn't be in the room.


Hi! This message isn't talking about everyone! Just a select few people and it needs to be said.
DAVID IS 37. Yup.
I see a lot of comments like "if David was 25 it would've been fine"
So wait, is 25 the age limit for love now? Huh. I'm 20 years old, but I guess I couldn't possibly fall for someone over 25 or else it's considered gross. And if the person was 35 well hE cOuLd bE mY fAtHeR so I guess he's out of the equation now.
I'm in my 4th year of college and I'm studying psychology myself. I have yet to see ONE psych professor who was 25. Y'all really expected a man who went to university, obtained his bachelors degree, masters degree, DOCTORATE degree, practiced clinical and research psychology for years then became a whole professor for an institution, to be 25 years old? Don't make me laugh–

Also did you know, for anyone who thinks Matt Bomer is "sexy" or "Matt could get it"- I made David the same age as him at the time I wrote this. Mhm. Yeah so please THINK before you drop a close minded comment. I'm coming for every ignorant person I see, especially when my disclaimer clearly states this book is not for you! I am not guaranteeing our main character will end up with his professor or his roommate or anyone else. It's left for you to find out if you choose.

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