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I slipped my arms and head through the holes of one of David's shirts. I never realized how petite I must have been until I put it on and it came slightly above my mid thigh.

I heard him chuckle behind me and I turned around, flushing red.

"You look just about ready for bed," he observed.

"Yeah? What am I missing?" I questioned as he walked closer to me. He cupped my cheeks, gently lifting my head.

"Your goodnight kiss." His smile teased my heart and I squinted at him. "May I?"

"David, for the last time, you don't have to ask," I chuckled. He kissed me then pulled away quickly when he realized something.

"What do you mean 'for the last time'?"

I shrugged, smiling and holding both of his hands. "You always ask to kiss me."

"I do?" He looked confused for just a second before nodding. "Right. Um... sorry."

My smile faded and I shook my head slightly. "No, no, it's okay. It's very polite of you. You make quite the gentleman." I wanted to cheer him up, but the confusion didn't leave his face. It worried me, then saddened me because I knew this wasn't his fault.

It was a symptom.

"Which way is your room?" I asked him, changing the subject. David seemed to snap out of his brief daze, and motioned behind himself.

"This way." He turned off the lights and led me down the short hall and into his room. I was instantly hit with a wave of his scent and I'd never been so tempted to do bad, bad things than in that moment. I caught my lip between my teeth as he switched the lamp on.

He had a queen-sized bed with soft, black and white sheets. His walls were decorated with more of his pictures that I enjoyed looking at. None of them had Rowan, his previous love, in it. I couldn't discern if that was because David was already over him, or if it was too painful to see Rowan's picture every waking moment. Or I was probably just reading into it too much.

His windows had beautiful white drapes that I couldn't help but touch. They felt like silk through my fingers and I smiled. "Fancy," I remarked. "Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, huh?"

"I happen to like expensive things from time to time." He arranged the pillows so that I'd be more comfortable. I walked over to his bed, climbing inside and snuggling into the soft sheets.

"I think this is what it feels like to lay in a cloud," I said, sighing in bliss. He chuckled, sitting beside me.

"Casper... Just as a head's up, I've been a bit cranky in the mornings. I get headaches every time I wake up and they last for a couple hours."

"It's because of the tumor, isn't it?" I sadly asked. He nodded. "I haven't seized, and my doctors don't think I will. But," he paused, and it was clear that he didn't want to put me through any of this. I really didn't mind. I would love nothing more than to be here for him. "It's very possible. If it looks like I'm staring off into space, then it's most likely a seizure. Call an ambulance, okay?"

I swallowed, fearing something like that might actually happen. "Okay. You really shouldn't be living alone, you know."

"Yeah. I know. I'm gonna call my sister first thing tomorrow so she can stay with me."

"That's good. You need the support." I rubbed his arm and he reached over to switch off the lamp. The moonlight managed to peek through the silky white drapes, slightly illuminating the darkness.

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