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Mature Explicit Scene warning. This isn't a full scene but who cares-

Tonight I discovered that I could fall more in love with David than I already had. I'd be lying if I claimed it wasn't possible. There was just something about being one with someone-this close, this intimate--that could drive a person wild.

David's hand slid under my thigh, pulling it upward as he whispered, "arch into me." So I did exactly that and arched my back until my chest was pressing against his.

The thrust that followed was a pleasure beyond compare, bringing me to an ecstatic high. My stomach tightened and squeezed as David joined me in release. Moans poured out of my mouth like a waterfall as I fell into the pillows, gasping and catching my breath. My heart was still racing thunderously and I wrapped my arm behind his neck, tugging him down for a much needed kiss. My fingers continued to roam his majestic body as they silently memorized every inch of him.

"God, I love you," I confessed again through our kiss. "I really do."

He gave me one last kiss before pulling himself out of me and relaxing beside me. "I love you more, angel."

I smiled. "This was the most amazing night of my life... Thank you." I slipped my fingers through his then moved closer to lay my head on his chest. "You're my first. I wouldn't have had it any other way."

Our breaths soon came to a settle, and I traced his lips lightly with my finger.

"What're you thinking about?" He inquired. I just shook my head and and smiled sleepily.

"Nothing, I'm just still in a state of bliss."

"It's amazing isn't it? Passion. Intimacy."

"Love in general," I said. "I didn't know I could feel any of the emotions I experienced tonight."

"Oh? Did I awaken something within you?"

"Ah great. Now everything you say, I think it's sexual." I turned around so he could spoon me and I absentmindedly played with his fingers. "So this is your first time, you know... having sex in nearly eight years?"

"It is."

I paused. "How does it feel?"

"With you, it feels right. It always has."

"Hm, so did I awaken something within you too?"

He kissed my cheek as I giggled. "Very much so."


I stirred when I felt the warmth of the sunlight against my face. Arms tightened around me and I began to open my eyes. I knew instantly that it was David, and that made me calm and safe.

"Your eyes are so blue in the sunlight," he said as I woke. A small smile crossed my lips as I used the back of my hand to rub my eyes. I sighed, pulling him closer.

"Have you been awake?" I asked.

"I had a screaming headache, but I'm used to it now. I couldn't leave you. I didn't want you to wake up alone."

I chuckled. "You're the sweetest. And I'm so sorry about your migraine; it must be awful."

"Do you have class today? Scratch that, I know you have Psych at ten."

"What time is it?"

"A little past nine. Who replaced me by the way?"

I grunted. "Some lady. I can afford to skip; I can just get Ava's notes."

"What about your other classes?"

I sat up and looked at him, running my fingers through my hair. "Today's Wednesday, David. I just... I can't think about my classes right now."

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