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David held his front door open for me and I stepped inside. The first thing I heard was a dog barking.

That made me smile as I examined his house to see what I could learn about him just by doing so. Well, I could tell he was neat by the cleanliness of his home. His living room had matching everything-the sofas were tan to match his tan ombre curtains. His TV was on the wall above his fireplace, which also had a tan layout. There were two small houseplants on either side of his fireplace and there was a small glass table situated between the sofas. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any pictures in the living room. But it was beautiful.

"It looks so cozy."

He set his stuff down and his dog dashed over to me, and the only thing that kept me from bolting away in fear was her swiftly wagging tail and huge eyes. She started to skip around me and even lifted herself on her hind legs in excitement.

"Aw, she's precious." I petted her head then stroked the back of her ears.

"I'll make some dinner and maybe you can take your mind off this roommate of yours."

"Do you need help? I'm actually pretty okay at cooking."

He smiled appreciatively. "It's fine. Cooking helps me, uh... Anyway, you should keep Sof company; she really likes you."

I looked down at the excited dog who still prancing around me, but my mind lingered on his words. Cooking helped him do what? Why didn't he finish that statement?

He picked up his belongings. "I'm gonna freshen up a bit. It won't take long." He handed me the TV remote and I thanked him for his kindness. He walked into the long, narrow hallway and disappeared into a room.

I sat myself down on the sofa, respecting his privacy enough not to go looking for some pictures. I had to admit, I was curious. Every home I'd been to had dozens of pictures and portraits scattered across the walls. I mean, he had a small painting of landscape situated near his front door. But that was it. It just looked way too barren and bland in here. Like a hospital room.

Sofie jumped onto the sofa and laid her head on my lap, seemingly already tired from her excitement. She must be old, but her fur was still gorgeous and well-groomed.

I pet her and turned on the TV. Then I thought to myself, what was I really doing here? I knew I couldn't go back to my dorm right now but I could've just gone to Ava's. David... No, Dr. Larsen was my professor.

My heart stopped.

Oh, my god. I flirted with my professor.

I didn't know how long I was thinking about him until he reappeared in a change of clothes and a perfect scent of sandalwood trailing after him. I quickly took my eyes away from his taunting manliness. What... the hell.

Sofie jumped down from the couch and followed him into the kitchen. "You like pasta?" He asked from there.

"Yeah!" I called back, hoping he heard my teeny voice.

I heard him lighting the stove and some shuffling around before a pot hit the stove top.

"I'm sure you're wondering where all my pictures are," he said aloud.

I shrank back into the plush sofa. "No, I'm not," I lied. Fucking psychologists and their mind reading.

"My family wonders why it looks so plain whenever they come over." He walked out of the kitchen, Sofie trailing behind him. "Pasta's cooking."

I nodded. "Thank you very much." I blushed instantly, as I knew I would. This was so embarrassing. Seriously, why was I here? "I am so, so sorry. I've never done something like this before a-and I don't know what I was thinking!"

"Casper, it's alright. What's the matter?"

I buried my hands between my legs nervously. "I..."

He smiled patiently. "You're okay. I promise you that." David started to walk closer to me and my breath hitched.

I shut my eyes. "What's your story?" I hesitantly asked, causing him to halt.

"My story?"


"I don't know if I have one to tell."

"Everyone has a story. You were abandoned," I guessed.

"I was never abandoned."

"Umm," I thought. "I can't think of anything else."

"Then stop thinking."

I was forced to look at his lips, and his scent captivated me. I cleared my throat, shifting my sight to the TV.

"You flirted with me," he brought up. Shit.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. There was no point in denying it. "I know I shouldn't have."

"No, you shouldn't have." He sat down beside me, but not too close out of respect. Sofie circled his feet before lying down. "But you did. Now all I can think about is how torn I am between two decisions."

"What decisions?" I quietly wondered out loud.

"Do I choose my mind... or my heart? Because both believe they're right."

I needed to know exactly what he was trying to say. Because if I had to guess, his mind was telling him to remain professional. Yet, his heart knew better. It reminded him that I was on his couch--there was nothing professional about this.

"If you choose, make sure you won't regret it tomorrow," I said.

He looked down at my hand that was resting on the couch. Cautiously, his finger tips grazed the back of my hand. "Your skin is soft," he observed.

"Your eyes are like storm clouds."

"Yours are the sky."

I felt the inevitable blush. Dear God what was I getting myself into...

His scent hit me again, and a charged moment of eye contact pulled us closer together. We leaned toward each other, but my eyes didn't close. He was probably an inch away from me when I couldn't bring myself to follow through. "Wait. I don't... I-"

"Too soon?" He asked, pulling back. His hypnotizing smile didn't leave his face, and his eyes--those damned eyes--were even more entrancing.

"I'm just, um, can we... rain check on that?" I felt embarrassed. I didn't have the guts to kiss him.

"Casper, do I intimidate you? I hope not."

"I'm intimidated by everyone, honestly."

"Don't be. I know you're intelligent. You're going to be a surgeon one day; people should be intimidated by you."

I slowly smiled. "So, you really do think I can make it?"

"I'm very sure. I wish I knew what made you want to do surgery."

"I could tell you while we eat."

"I would like that. A lot."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded. "But... One condition."

He took me by the hand. "What is it?"

"I want to know something about you, too. Tell me... One little secret. Just one."

He chuckled. "Deal."


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