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I turned the door handle and a hush scattered throughout the room as I walked inside. Four familiar pairs of eyes stared back at mine, and I instantly blushed from the unwanted attention.

"How generous of you to grace us all with your presence," Trey sarcastically greeted me. He outstretched his palm. "Please, make yourself at home."

"Trey, stop it. This is his room." Nash scolded. He was on his bed, seated next to Lucas. Trey was lounging on the ground, on top of the rug that I'd brought.

Ava was there, sitting on a beanbag near Trey.

"Hey, Casper," she said quietly, smiling at me. I steadily walked to my bed and sat down.

"Hi," I responded to her.

"Well, this just became depressing," Trey murmured, a mischievous smirk settling on his face.

"Can you not joke about things being depressing?" Lucas shot at him. Nash shook his head and gazed at me.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "I know you're wondering what's going on. Look, I was with Lucas then Ava showed up wanting to hang out with you and then... he came." He glared at his ex boyfriend. "Apparently, he just enrolled."

"Oh, he's much aware. Aren't you, Casper?" Trey's smirk grew wider and much more sinister. "Imagine my surprise when I discovered you hadn't told the love of your life about our little... talk." He mocked a pout, but I could see he was enjoying my discomfort. In his eyes, he found this situation amusing.

How charming.

My heart sped up as, yet again, all eyes fell on me. I swallowed and looked at Nash, who was evidently confused. I really didn't like Trey's choice of words, but I figured that was just a player's typical M.O. He must've played Nash like a violin; I could understand why it was hard for him to let go despite the constant disappointment.

"What did he tell you?" Nash asked me, disregarding the fact that Trey just called him the love of my life.

"Oh, not much actually," Trey answered. "Just that he isn't much competition, to give up hope, and that you'd screw your chances with him anyway. Lemme guess, you fucked it all up."

"You seriously need to chill," Ava kicked his arm lightly. "This isn't your room. I suggest if you don't want the owners to kick you out, keep your mouth shut."

"I was never afraid of you, Ava," Trey sighed.

"She's right though," Nash agreed. "I don't need you causing problems between anybody."

"I'm not causing any problems, my love. I see you do enough of that all on your own." He tilted his head, fighting back another smirk. A frown took form on my face, followed by a scowl.

"God, enough!" Lucas jumped up into a standing position. "You're, like, super crazy and I just met you! Leave Nash alone."

Trey slowly smiled, the biggest smile I'd seen on his face. He then started to nod, his criminal mind buzzing with thoughts. "Ah, I see. What about Casper; shouldn't I leave him alone too? No, I know what's going on here. Say, Lucas, is it? Why don't I show you my room?" He winked at the end of his offer. Lucas's face reddened, and he sat back down, his face set tight.

"There it is," Trey observed. "It seems to me you'd toss your heart to any boy who shows you three seconds of attention."

"I think you should leave," I boldly spoke up. I didn't appreciate his blatant disrespect.

"No worries. I was just about to." He stood up, his eyes on Lucas as he headed for the door. "My offer still stands. And Nash, my love, we can have our long overdue 'chitchat' in private." He was out the door before Nash could fire back at him.

"When I told you not to get involved, I meant it," Ava said, referring to Nash's relationship with Trey.

"Can you blame him? He must've had Nash wrapped around his fingers," Lucas understood.

"I don't wanna talk about my ex right now. Or ever."

"Anyway, so where've you been?" Ava smiled at me, changing the subject. I took off my shoes and put my feet up on the bed.

"Oh, just... I was studying."

She grimaced then laughed. "You're a terrible liar."

"I wasn't lying," I averted my eyes. "Okay, I was, but... It's not your business."

"Damn, tell her how you really feel, Casper," Lucas joked.

"Actually, you're right, Lucas." Ava turned to me. "How do you feel? You've ignored me all week including last weekend."

"We disappointed him, okay?" Nash explained. "Look, for all we know, he probably hadn't been to a party before then not only did we make him our babysitter but we practically abandoned him to go 'have fun.' The fact you didn't realize that, Ava, is kinda sad." Nash sighed, getting up. "I need to use the restroom." He walked out of the room.

I just looked down, picking at the lint on my shirt.

"Aww, Casper, I'm so sorry," Ava apologized. "I literally didn't think about that."

I nodded then shrugged. "Don't worry about it. It's okay."

"I'll make it up to you--"

"No, Ava," I refused. "Please don't." I was tired of people wanting to 'make it up to me.' I already had Lucas and Nash trying to redeem themselves even though I didn't need them to.

"Get in line," Lucas said to her. She playfully rolled her eyes and pointed at him.

"Don't make me come down there!" She got off the chair and returned it to its original position before her phone beeped. "I have to go home and shower." She took her phone out of her pocket, checking it. Seconds later, a frown formed on her face. " You've got to be kidding me. Hey, check your student emails. I just got one from our Psych teacher."

At the mention of the subject, my head shot up in interest. "An email?"

"Yeah, Dr. Larsen cancelled our next class," she informed.

Lucas pulled his phone from his pocket and checked it, nodding in confirmation. "Well, I'm not in your section so apparently he sent it to all his classes."

"If it were any other class, I'd be jumping off the walls, but he's so deliciously handsome." Ava pouted.

"Did he say why?" I queried, furrowing my eyebrows in concern and curiosity. The explanation I received almost made my heart stop and my blood grow cold.

Lucas sighed, scrolling down the email. "Poor man. He's in the hospital."


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