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"Mm, you were right. This tastes divine," I appreciated the meal he'd made. "Thanks for everything."

"Thanks for the view," he flirted, making my face flush.

"Look who's flirting now," I murmured. It caused him to laugh heartily before he agreed with me through a short nod.

I stroked Sofie's fur when she twined herself at my feet.

"So, tell me," he requested.

"It's a typical and cliche story," I forewarned.

"Typical and cliche... two words I'd never use to associate you with. But that's just me." He smiled softly and I felt immensely flattered by that statement.

"Well, I was eight years old when I knew I wanted to do something in the health field. My mother was taking care of me and my brother when, at a point, she just... passed out. I remember feeling so helpless even when I called 911. I stayed on the phone with them and they were giving me these instructions... Check her pulse, resuscitation, this and that, all the while calling me a brave little hero. But I didn't wanna be a hero, I just wanted to know what to do should it ever happen again. Should it ever happen to anyone."

"I understand. Why surgery specifically?"

"I feel like surgery gets to the root of people's health-related problems. I mean, yes, you can rid yourself of a headache with Tylenol but what if it comes back, over and over again? It could be... I dunno, a tumor, and all you're doing is eliminating the pain of it. What does that solve?"

He smiled at me in awe, as if he was captivated by me. I'd never, ever met someone so intrigued by me. It made me happy inside, and I found myself wanting more of the attention. That was so unlike me. Then again, everything that had been happening this evening was unlike me.

For someone who hated attention, this was an exhilarating experience.

"What do you think you'll be specializing in?" He asked me.

"The brain fascinates me the most. So I'd say neurosurgery."

He made a face for a split second before raising his eyebrows. "That's a lot of years, but I know you'll come out strong."

"I have no other choice than to come out strong. I'm finding cures, remember?"

He nodded as I stuck a forkful of pasta into my mouth. "That's my little story. What's yours?"

It seemed that I was getting extremely comfortable with him. I could feel my shyness dissipating the more we talked.

He drew in a breath and drank some of his water. I giggled as he set his glass down.

"Where do I begin?"

He was inviting me to ask him a question, but I didn't want to intrude or overstep. So I started simple.

"What was your dream when you were younger? Have you achieved it?"

"Hm." He squinted. "I had quite a few. I would like a family... I'd say it's an underlying dream of mine. But... I've experienced loss, and I hate the feeling."

"So you're afraid to start a family," I concluded.

"It just seemed easier to have a companion like Sofie than... I don't know, children. But she's pretty much my child. She's everything. Such an innocent, happy dog, always excited to be with me."

"Yeah, she's perfect," I agreed. I honestly wanted to know who he'd lost, but I didn't ask.

"But the more years that go by, I want it all. Children and just... Someone to call family."

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