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"He is so...hot."

I snickered at my friend's not-so-subtle comment and leaned toward her. "Ava, you really oughtta pass this semester." I stared at Dr. Larsen's rich, soulful eyes. "Stop failing just to be in his class... On second thought, I'd do the same thing..."

"I know right! Class started two minutes ago, and I've already had five mini-orgasms..." She moaned quietly. "Make that six."

"As you all should know, in your syllabus, it says that you'll be taking your first test on Monday," Dr. Larsen announced as the class groaned in opposition. "Welcome to college, everyone. My first tests are usually the hardest. Not to worry, on Friday evening, I'll be holding a study session on the fourth floor of the library from 6 pm to 8 or 9. Come to it if you wanna pass the exam and you're free to leave at any time. Any questions?"

"Do we get a review?" a student asked.

"It'll be up after class today. Anything else?" He paused for questions, but none were posed. He looked at me and I glanced away timidly. "Alright. Let's move on."

"This is so not fair. He always eye-fucks you and not me," Ava whispered to me.

It made me feel a little self-conscious because he did, in fact, pause to look my way every now and then during his lecture. I was distracted and fidgety, and I would run my fingers through my snowy hair. Before I knew it, he'd dismissed the class, and my notes were completely blank yet again.

I closed my notebook and put it inside of my backpack as the class cleared out. Ava said she'd see me later and rushed out of sight. I swung my bag over my shoulder when the teacher called my name. I turned and looked at him.

"Yes, sir?"

"I wanted to discuss something important with you. Do you have a moment?"

"Um, yeah." I walked up the couple of steps to where he was. He stood at the podium behind his laptop, typing something.

"Sorry, I just have to post this review..."

Once again, my fingers brushed my hair before he looked at me again, smiling. I tried to keep it together.

"I wanted to propose a research opportunity to you. You impressed me two days ago after class, and I thought you might be interested. It can help you with your grade in this class."


"Yes. It adds eight points to your final grade. On top of that, if you decide to participate, it'll look great when you apply for an internship in the future."


"I'm not asking for an immediate answer. Sleep on it for a day or two; there's no pressure to say yes."

"Okay. Thanks, Dr. Larsen."

He started to smile at me and, in an effort not to melt where I stood, I cast my gaze to the floor.

"Can I ask you something?"

With his undivided attention, he answered, "yes, anything."

I cleared my throat and attempted to speak a bit louder. "Along with teaching, are you a clinical psychologist as well?"

"Yes, although I'm focused on education for now, I was a therapist for a very long time." He lowered his chin, looking into my eyes in concern. "May I ask, are you trying to find a therapist?"

I shrugged one shoulder. "Well, I... Just...want someone to talk to that isn't a friend, I guess. Someone who could give me advice." I shook my head quickly. "Seriously, it's okay. I-I didn't mean to um-it's nothing." I stepped back, cursing myself for rambling. "I should get going. I'm sorry. Thank you for the research opportunity; I'll definitely think about it."

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