Season 2 Prequel

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Previously, on Assassins:

Tsurugi activated his Assassination Technique 1: Death Sword and Kurama activates his Assassinasion Technique 1: Razor Fangs. Kurama's saws glowed a light blue color and Tsurugi's sword glowed a black color. Kurama put his arms forming an x and then threw his saws, the blue aura surrounding the saws formed a snake like figure, making two blue snakes charge at Ki. Tsurugi puts his hand in front of himself and a black orb appears, Tsurugi then slashes his sword downward and hit the orb, launching a large black sword beam. Ki couldn't escape, so he just grinned and accepted defeat.

"Heh, guess this is the end for me," he mumbled and he continued his small grin.

The two hissatsus hit him and a bunch of smoke covered the view. Kurama activated the retrieval technology and his saws came back as he caught it. Kariya also retrieved his strings with a press of a button on his gloves. When the smoke cleared, Ki was no longer there and in his place was black ash.

"Seems like we won this fight," Leo said.

"Hai," Hamano replied.

"Good thing this is over," Hayami said as he put back his sword.

"Let's get back now so we can report to Kudou-shujin and get healed up," Tsurugi said as he puts his sword away.

"Hai!" everyone replied and then they all went back to base.

~Meanwhile in the office, minutes before the assigned assassins left~

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" Tenma asked.

"So, in the past missions, you were pretty injured, especially in the battle against Echo and Sky. The doctor said that your wounds oddly healed faster than the others. Not to mention your arm had a pretty deep stab wound and when Sorano told us the time big rocks fell on you, it makes me wonder how your recovery is much faster than others and having that much resistance. Do you mind explaining it Matsukaze?" Kudou-shujin said.

"Oh, sorry for the delay, when I was young, the doctors said I was born with it, it's pretty much in my genes. Although they don't know why cause my parents didn't have it, so I don't know much," I said trying not to sound suspicious.

"Alright, next question, you were originally from Okinawa, right? How did you move into Inazuma town?" Kudou-shujin said, still having a straight face.

"It's kinda complicated Kudou-Shujin, gomen'nasai," Tenma replied as a looked down a bit.

"It's alright," Kudou-shujin responded, "That's all the questions I have for now, thanks for your cooperation Matsukaze, you may leave."

"Hai," Tenma replied and then left the office.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell any of you the truth yet," Tenma said in my mind as he closed his eyes, "I am just not ready."

Tenma sighed and went to the dorms to change into his assassin's uniform so he could go train.

~Meanwhile, with the two adults~

"I know there is something he isn't telling us, but I will wait for him to be ready. I know he needs time to think about it, it isn't easy telling someone a deep hidden secret," Kudou said as he looked out the window and saw Tenma go towards the dorms.

"Still observant as ever," Otonashi said in her mind as she smiled a bit.

~Meanwhile, somewhere else, after Ki was defeated~

An assassin walked into the room and bowed before someone.

"Sir, Ki has been killed by Raimon. What is our next move?" the guard asked.

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