Chapter 7: Twin Shot

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Nishiki's POV:

After the fight against Echo, I got cleaned up and then changed my clothes.

"Man, that was kinda rough, thank goodness it's over!" I said in my mind as I stretched my arms.

I looked out the window and see the sun setting.

"I should clear my head first before I head over to train, a little rest never hurts anybody," I said in my mind.

I headed over to the rooftop and when I arrived, I went to the rail and placed my arms on it and leaned forward a bit. I looked at the view of the town which was pretty nice.

"Looks good to see the town from up here, it's pretty peaceful I must say," I said to myself.

But then I looked back at the fight and when Echo threw me to the trashcan, it reminded me of something.

"..." I fell silent a bit and internally sighed.

Third POV:


"Who would have expected a once unwanted child, would one day find refuge in a better place where they feel more at home than their previous one? I certainly didn't.."

Years ago, Nishiki lived in the main city of Inazuma City, he didn't exactly have a good life as he was considered unwanted by his father.

Nishiki was disowned and sometimes beaten by his father when he was young. He would call Nishiki things like 'useless, trash, worthless, unwanted, waste, etc'.

His mother, on the other hand, was the only one that cares and supports him while his father mostly wasn't home or refuses to acknowledge him as his son. It was also because of this cruel man that he was isolated at home and couldn't even attend school or make friends because of it, so he was forced to be homeschooled as is mother was his teacher. And during his days inside his house, he'd look out from the window, either just observing the surroundings, or seeing the people interact. Other times, he'd watch television as a form of entertainment and a distraction, his favorite shows were about samurais, his favorite being Sakamoto Ryouma, which in fact is where his mother got the name from. He'd sometimes hear some arguments and it would always scare him but would find comfort in both television and his own mother.

"Mom, why can't I go outside?" Nishiki asked, curious yet sad. He sat on his mother's lap as they were watching something on the tv.

"I'm sorry sweetie but, your father strictly prohibited you from going.." His mother would always say, the sadness in her eyes is something he'd always see.

"But why..? Does, father really hate me that much..?" Nishiki would ask.

"You father is just, stressed these past days.. He doesn't mean to hurt you.. He'll, come around and come to love you one day." His mother would always reply like that. She was just trying to give Nishiki some hope.

"Will you, hate me too..?" Nishiki asked sadly, looking down.

"Ryouma, I'll never hate you. Nothing will change that," She said as she embraced him.

"R-really?" Nishiki asked in which the mother smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, you'll always be my strong little samurai. The you'll grow up into a big strong boy," She spoke as she snuggled his in which he laughs at her actions.

One time, he tried making friends as curiosity got the best of him. Remembering one of the videos, he took reference from that and used it to successfully sneak out. He then tried to befriend some kids he spotted but they rejected him and even had some insults thrown at him due to his appearance. Luckily his mother found him and scared off the bullies before quickly taking Nishiki back home before his father saw them outside. Luckily he wasn't home and they seemed to have made it back safely without being spotted, hiding the evidence of Nishiki sneaking out too. While inside Nishiki's room, his mother scolded him a bit but then noticed her son had some tears.

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