Chapter 10: With An Unpleasant Encounter

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Tenma's POV:

I stood there shocked, before me was the man and his gang, the ones who killed my parents.

"Long time no see," the man said and grinned menacingly, "Matsukaze Tenma."

I clenched my hand into a fist and didn't reply, I just stood there silent and tried not to lose composure.

"How rude not to reply," the other guy said, "It's been a long time and this is how you greet us? Do you not miss the good times?"

Memories of the past came into my mind, but I refused to show weakness to them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, doing my best to keep a straight face.

"Well, after what you did to the place months ago, we wanted to exact revenge," the man who was the leader of the gang said and then grinned, "On the culprit who caused it all."

I narrowed my eyes and remained silent.

"But right now we can't do it here, so how about you come with us," he added, "Unless you prefer to get innocent bystanders involved."

Third POV:

Meanwhile with the others, they finished their bubble tea and are just relaxing a bit now.

"Man, that was refreshing!" Midori said as she stretched a little while seated.

"Couldn't agree more, it's still as tasty as I remember," Nishiki agreed, having his usual grin.

"Yeah! Thanks again Shindou-senpai," Shinsuke said as he smiled at Shindou.

"Anytime," Shindou smiled back.

Tsurugi looks around a bit, him and Aoi still noticing the prolonged absence of one of their friends.

"Tenma hasn't come back yet," Tsurugi said as he looks at the direction Tenma went, still with a straight face.

"Now that you mention it, he sure is taking his time, wonder what he's doing," Midori replied as she straightened up from her seat.

"Maybe he's just taking in the new additions of the town, but," Kirino responded, "I'm getting a bit of a gut feeling about something."

"I'll go check and call him, be right back," Aoi said and before anyone could say anything, she ran in the direction of the fountain.

When she finally arrived she said, "Tenma, we're going back now," but she was shocked that Tenma wasn't there, she looked around and he wasn't around.

"Tenma, where are you?" Aoi said.

A panic rose in her and she ran back to the others to tell them.

"Aoi, where is Tenma?" Midori asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"He is not at the fountain," Aoi replied.

The others were shocked and worried.

"We got to find him," Shinsuke said and the others nodded in response.

Back to Tenma and the gang, they were in an alleyway so that no one would see them. They surrounded Tenma, but he stayed calm.

"Now this is the spot, no one to interrupt us," the leader said, "I'm surprised your remaining calm."

"Hahaha, I can't wait to chop him to bits," one of the guys said as he brought out his axe.

The others soon brought out their weapons and Tenma was unarmed. The leader then grinned.

"You ready to die Matsukaze," he said.

"I don't think so, it won't go your way this time," Tenma said in a serious tone and then went into a fighting stance.

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