Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Third POV:

It was night time and a woman was running away from a guy with a sword in hand. The woman ran around the alleyway trying to lose the guy. Meanwhile, a boy landed on a rooftop and saw the scene. He had two swords on his back and had a hood on. He saw the man with the sword and then touched his earpiece.

"Target spotted," he said.

"Good job, now get ready to engage in combat," the man he was talking to said.

"Roger that sir," the boy said.

He stood up and drew out a sword. Back to the woman, she reached a dead end and looked at the man with the sword. He was standing in front of her and grinned menacingly. He slowly started walking to the woman trembling in fear and then he charged at her and was about to slash, but suddenly, a sword blocked it. This surprised the man and the woman. The boy then pushed his sword and forced the man to back away. The man stared at the person in front of him in anger and a little shocked.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"That isn't important ma'am," the boy said without making eye contact, "you see that door to your right, the door is unlocked so you can enter and run to the other exit. Trust me, it's safe."

"Alright, thank you (Hai, arigato)," the woman said and went to the door. She then opened it and entered the building.

"Why you, how dare you let my prey run away?!" the man said in a cold and angry tone.

"I won't let you take anymore innocent lives," the boy said and drew out his other sword.

"I'll kill you! You little brat!" the man said and charges at the boy.

The boy goes to a stance, prepared for the upcoming attack. The man rushes and jumps up a bit before bringing down their sword in an attempt to slash the boy, but he saw the coming as he uses the sword on his left hand to block. The boy prepares their second sword as an aura surrounds it before pushing back their other sword blocking the opponent's blade, sending them back. While the man was in mind air at the moment, the boy swung their sword with the aura making them fire a metallic blue sword beam at the man. However the enemy manages to block it by using their sword like a shield, only sending him far back and landing on their feet. They quickly recover and face the boy who was now charging at him. The man tries to prepare a block but the boy while running positions their left arm to their right side as the same metallic blue aura appeared on the blade before swinging their sword to the left, firing a perfectly timed sword beam that parries the opponent's sword away, leaving him wide open. Without giving the man a chance to react, the boy lunges forth, quickly uses the sword he wields on his right hand to stab the man in the heart. The man coughed some blood before the sword was pulled out by the boy. The man falls to the ground before turning to black ashes. The boy swings his sword to the side, flinging off the excess blood which soon turned to black ash as well before putting his weapons back in their cases. He looks at where the man had laid, his expression hidden by the shadows of his bangs as well as the night.

"Well that was easy but.. It sure is a shame.." the boy said as their eyes seemingly soften a little before touching his earpiece again, "Mission accomplished, the target has been eliminated."

"Great job, now return to base before-" the guy on the earpiece was about to finish when the boy heard sirens and footsteps coming.

The boy turned and police came out from the corner. They pointed their guns at him.

"Freeze, don't move," one of the officers said.

The boy smirked and brought out a smoke bomb, before quickly throwing it to the ground. It exploded and smoke covered the police's view. When it cleared, the boy was gone.

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