Chapter 16: The Arcade

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Two weeks later,

Cole's POV:

I was in the training room and taking down some holograms. Two of the holograms charged at me in my left and right, when they were close and were about to side slash me, I jumped up high and the two holograms slashed each other. I then kicked both of them in the face and the two holograms fell backward and disappeared. I landed back onto the ground and saw some more holograms. I went into a fighting position and one of them tried to stab me with a knife, I sidestepped and dodged the attack. I quickly grabbed the arm and kicked the hologram in the gut. I then quickly brought out the blade from my other glove and punch the hologram in the heart, stabbing him with the blade, it then disappeared. I then saw a bullet go past me, I smirked and charged at the three holograms with guns. I dodged the bullets and when one of the hologram's gun was jammed. I smirked and charged at him. I jumped up and kicked the guy in the face. I then backflipped off him as he falls onto the ground. I saw the other two guns on my left and right aim their guns at me, but I ducked and when they pulled the trigger, the two holograms accidentally shot each other. The simulation was then over, I straighten back up and sighed.

"I'm starting to get the hang of this," I said in my mind, "I wonder how Athena is doing?"

I went to the second section of fighting training and saw Athena fighting the holograms with no problem. I smiled and waited for her to finish. After she finished, she saw me and smiled.

"I see you've finished already," Athena said.

"Heh, yeah," I said and smirked, causing Athena to slightly giggle, making me slightly blush.

"The way she giggles is adorable," I said in my mind, I then realized what I thought, "Wait? what am I thinking?!"

I shook my head to get the thought out and Athena didn't notice.

"Let's go take a break," Athena said.

"Sure thing," I said and smiled.

The two of us went to the dorms and changed into our casual clothing. We then headed over to the living room and saw some of my friends there such as Blaze, Kariya, Shindou, Kirino, Aoi, Shinsuke, Midori, and Nishiki.

"Oh, hey guys!" I said with a smile.

"Oh, hey Cole," Shindou said.

"Sup dude," Blaze said but still kept his focus on the screen cause he is fighting against Midori in the video game.

"Is Midori and Blaze fighting in the game again?" Athena said.

"Hai, Midori and Blaze each have a point, this is the last round," Kirino said.

Midori's character had hot pink hair tied into a ponytail by a cyan ribbon, and had a bow as her weapon. She also wore a black and hot pink jacket, black sweatpants, brown boots, and black gloves.

While Blaze's character had red fade to orange hair, an orange t-shirt, a black jacket wrapped around his waist, gray and orange pants, black shoes and dark gray shoes, and black and orange flamethrower gloves.

Midori's character jumped up and brought out her bow and fired some arrows, but Blaze's character dodged and fired. Midori's character dashes through the flame and punched Blaze's character, she then combo it with a kick, sending Blaze's character back, and then Midori's character then quickly brings out her bow and shoots, dealing the final blow. Making Midori the winner and the K.O screen appears.

"Oh yeah, I win!" Midori shouted with joy.

"Great job Midori," Blaze said with a smile.

"That was a good game you two," Aoi said with a smile.

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