Chapter 4: Appearance of a Shadow Clan Member, Echo!

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Third POV:

Tenma, Shindou, Nishiki, Aoi, Akane, and Rina wandered around the town searching for their target.

"Where do you think he is?" Aoi asked.

"Probably somewhere they can hide in the shadows," Nishiki said.

"Or maybe they could be in a crowd of people and blending in," Rina said.

"Well, let's hope we will be able to find him before he finds any more victims," Tenma said.

"Yeah, I think its best if we split up to cover more ground," Shindou suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Akane agreed.

"Alright, Rina, Nishiki you two go west. Aoi and Tenma, you two go east, and me and Akane will continue this road," Shindou said.

"Hai! the five other assassins said and then they went in their respective directions.

Tenma's POV:

I was with Aoi and searching the east for the man. But we still couldn't find any signs of him.

"Do you spot anything, Aoi?" I asked her in a whisper a bit.

"No, I don't see a single sign of him anywhere. What about you? " Aoi whispered back as we both continued to scan the area.

"Me neither," I responded as I shook my head a little while searching still.

"There is so many people around, it definitely will be difficult to find him.. We can head to higher ground, however, its in the middle of the day, so we might get spotted, unless we take an alleyway. I could go scout from above and maybe get a better view, but still! What should I?-" I thought to myself but suddenly, I heard someone.

"Uhm, Tenma," I heard Aoi said, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"What is it Aoi?" I asked, wondering what it was.

"Well, I kinda need to use the restroom for a bit, sorry if this was sudden," Aoi said as she rubbed the back of her head, while smiling sheepishly a little.

"Oh, its fine, I think there is a cafe we can head to, it isn't far and there should be a restroom you could use. Lets go," I replied as I gave a bit of a smile, for a second I thought she spotted our target.

We eventually arrived at the place and Aoi went to use the restroom. I just waited outside of the cafe and kept watch a bit. I leaned back on the wall and looked up at the sky.

"I wonder if the others had any luck finding him," I said in my mind.

I then had my head down and closed my eyes. I opened them and stopped leaning on the wall. I continued waiting and kept watch of the surroundings.

"I wonder what's taking Aoi so long. Is the line long, could explain it cause of the amount of people? I guess I can just wait inside and keep watch through the window, its kinda getting a bit hot here," I said in my mind.

I turned around and was about to walk in the cafe when suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me fast from behind. I turned around and someone accidentally bumped into me. I fell on the ground and rubbed the back of my head.

"Sorry kid, here let me help you up," I heard a man's voice said as he lends me his hand.

I grabbed it and he helped me up.

"It's alright sir, thanks though-," I said, but when I looked at what the man looked like, I froze in shock a bit. It was him.

The man had the same brown hair and black eyes as the image Otonashi-sensei showed us. He wore a black jacket and a gray t-shirt. He also had dark red pants.

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