Chapter 17: The Arcade (Part 2)

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Tenma's POV:

Keith accepted the deal and the two of us sat down on the chairs. We inserted the coins and pressed start. Keith immediately selected his character and waited for me.

"Good thing the first part of my plan worked, now its time for the showdown, hopefully this goes well. Everything will work put somehow after all," I said in my mind.

"Hope you're ready to lose," the guy with the black and green jacket said.

"So it's your first time right?" Keith asked, "Take your time picking a character, you better choose wisely or you'll meet your demise."

".. Forcing yourself to be someone you're not, won't get you far.." I said, loud enough for only Keith to hear. I saw his expression and he looked surprised a bit, of course he quickly snapped out of it and just focused on his screen.

I looked at the character selection and read their descriptions. I remember Athena mentioning that it's odd that some of the characters relate to us a little. I then saw a character that caught my attention, he has chestnut brown hair but was darker, metallic blue eyes, and black assassin armor with a bit of dullish blue on some parts, and is a dual wielder as well. He is very fast and his strengths are similar to mine in a way.

I smirked and thought to myself, "Found my character."

I selected him and then the map we are gonna battle on is selected. It was in the middle of the night and in a large abandoned building with little to no light.

Third POV:

"His friends say he doesn't know how to play, well then, this should be quick," Keith said in his thoughts, "But, what did he mean by what he said, does he..? No, I should just focus."

Theme: Night Walker
By: Raito - Topic

The screen showed the outside of the building and then zoomed in to the large room where the characters are. Tenma brought out his two swords and went into a battling position. Keith did the same like his last battle and went into battle position. The countdown started and the Fight screen appeared.

Tenma's HP: 2,000
Keith's HP: 2,000

Tenma charged at Keith and Keith tried to punch him, but Tenma jumped high and landed behind Keith. This surprised him, before he could react, Tenma slashed Keith and combo it with three more slashes, causing Keith to fall back and onto the ground.

Tenma's HP: 2,000
Keith's HP: 1,800

Everyone was surprised, he already dealt two hundred damage. Keith got back up and went into a fighting position. Tenma charged and Keith isn't gonna let the same mistake happen. Keith banged his fist onto the ground causing the area to shake, but Tenma manages to back up, taking less damage than Cole in the last battle.

Tenma's HP: 1,975
Keith's HP: 1,800

Tenma quickly dashes to Keith and tries to slash Keith, but Keith blocked his attack with his metal weapon arms. Keith pushed onto his arms, making Tenma back up. Keith took this opportunity and did a dash punch, dealing damage to Tenma and sending him back.

Tenma's HP: 1,875
Keith's HP: 1,800

Tenma didn't fall down onto the ground and remained on his feet. Tenma then charged at Keith and Keith tried to punch Tenma, but Tenma jumped up and slashed downwards, dealing some damage to Keith. When Tenma landed back on the ground he did combo it with two punches and a kick, causing Keith to get sent back and crash onto the ground.

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