Chapter 13: Fallen Sky

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Third POV:

Theme: Code Break
By: Maritumix

Aoi fired projectiles from her gloves and Sky charged at her. She dodged the projectiles while running towards Aoi. Sky jumped up and tried to slash Aoi, but Aoi backed up, making her dodge the attack. Aoi then quickly fired a projectile at Sky, but she sidestepped and the projectile passed her. When Sky turned to face Aoi, a projectile hit her and sent her back. Sky quickly recovered and she saw projectiles coming her way. Sky couldn't use her Assassination Technique because it was on cool down. Sky dodged the projectiles while Aoi kept firing. Sky charged at Aoi and when she was close, Sky tried to side slash Aoi, but Aoi bend backwards, making her dodged Sky's attack. Aoi then quickly straightens back up and tried to punch Sky in the face, but Sky used her arm to block. Sky then quickly kicked Aoi in the stomach, causing her to crouch a little. Sky then tried to stab Aoi in the head, but Aoi ducked and dodged the attack. Aoi then tried to slide kick Sky's feet, but Sky jumps backwards, making Aoi miss. Aoi quickly got back up and fired projectiles while Sky continued to dodge. While Aoi was firing, she saw one of Tenma's smoke bombs on the ground in the corner of her eye. Apparently, when the rocks fell on Tenma, one of his smoke bombs rolled out. While Aoi was thinking, Sky charged at Aoi and tried to slash her, but Aoi managed to dodge her and went past Sky. Aoi quickly picked up Tenma's smoke bomb and when she turned around, Sky wasn't there anymore. Aoi quickly looked behind and she saw Sky. Sky side slashed, but Aoi backed up, causing Sky's blade to graze Aoi's face. Sky dashed towards Aoi and jumped up. Sky then tried to downward slash Aoi. But Aoi backed up, making her dodged the attack. While Sky was getting ready, Aoi quickly fired a projectile at Sky, causing Sky to jump up again and backflip until she landed on her feet. Aoi then looked around and had an idea. Sky then charged at Aoi and when Sky was at the right spot, Aoi threw the smoke bomb in the air and this caught Sky by surprise. Aoi then quickly fired a projectile at it and the smoke bomb exploded, releasing a bunch on smoke. Sky coughed a bit and looked around trying to find Aoi. She then saw blue lights surrounding her and coming towards her. Sky jumped up and blue projectiles collided with each other. Sky thought that was it, until she saw a blue glow from above. Sky looked up and saw blue projectiles coming towards her. Sky got hit by the projectiles and made her crash back down onto the ground. Aoi was on the second floor and looked down at where Sky was. There was smoke so Aoi couldn't see Sky, so she parkoured down to the floor Sky was on.

"Did it work?" Aoyama said in his mind, he then felt slight movement. Aoyama looked over his shoulder and saw Ichino woke up.

"Ichino," Aoyama said.

Ichino moaned in pain for a bit but soon recovered, he then looks at Aoyama.

"Aoyama," Ichino said, "what happened?"

"Aoi and Tenma came in time and helped us," Aoyama said with a small smile.

Ichino looked and saw Aoi, but Tenma wasn't there.

"Wait, where is Tenma?" Ichino asked and looked at Aoyama.

Aoyama had a sad expression and looked at a direction. Ichino looks and saw a pile of rocks, when he realized what happened, his eyes widened.

"Don't tell me he," Ichino said.

"I also hope he isn't," Aoyama said and looked at Aoi, "but I hope Aoi will be alright and the others will arrive soon."

Back to Aoi, while she was looking, she saw a small light, and then Sky came out dashing towards Aoi. This caught Aoi by surprise. Sky had a couple of wounds and yet she is able to charge at Aoi without struggling. Aoi snapped out of her thoughts and focused on the fight. Sky was in front of Aoi and tried to side slash her, but Aoi jumped high and tried kicked Sky in the face. But Sky used her right arm to block, Sky then quickly grabbed Aoi's leg and tossed her. When Aoi was about to fall onto the ground, Aoi quickly placed her hands onto the floor and pushed onto the ground, sending her up. While Aoi was in the Air, she fired some projectiles causing Sky to dodge, and then Aoi landed on her feet. Sky charged at Aoi again and Aoi thinks she could use this as an opportunity. Aoi aimed and was about to fire a projectile, when Sky suddenly jumped unexpectedly and landed behind Aoi. Aoi turned around only to get slashed by Sky on her arm. Aoi backed up and Sky charged at her. Sky did a flying kick and she hit Aoi, causing Aoi to get sent far back and crash onto the ground. Aoi manages to get back up and struggled to remain her balance while clutching her bleeding arm. Sky grinned and quickly charged at Aoi. Aoi didn't have time to react and Sky slashed.

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