Chapter 2: The Day I Joined Raimon

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Three months ago,

Third POV:

Tenma used to be alone and would fight the members of the Shadow Clan that were attacking the town. He would fight alone and didn't have allies. He took down some of them and lived by himself. He also hid his identity and never done any crimes. He wore a black hoodie and gray pants. He only has one sword on his back that he uses to fight.

Somewhere in the backstreets in an abandoned building.

Small fast footsteps can be heard, running inside the building followed by loud footsteps, someone was being chased. A little boy was running, trying to escape the three people chasing after him, not looking back.

"Please, someone, anyone, help me!" The boy internally prayed, hoping something will happen.

But suddenly, the boy tripped and fell down to the ground, injuring himself a bit. He tried getting up, when suddenly, a voice were heard behind him.

"Well, isn't that unfortunate."

The kid looked as his eyes widened in fear and shock. The three men stood there, two of them having their weapons in hand. They started approaching the boy.

"I got to admit, you did pretty good with your little escape attempt. But this is as far as you can go kid," The guy with black hair and black and white clothing said as he approached with a smirk.

The boy tried to get up and run but he was paralyzed with fear. The man brings out his spear and grins. He stops a bit at a certain distance.

"Don't worry, this will only hurt a little," He said as he spun his spear a little before getting ready, "Good night."

He then charged and gets ready to impale the kid as the boy puts his arms infront of them and shuts their eyes. But suddenly, someone came dashing towards the guy at a very fast speed and does a flying kick to the man's face before the spear could even touch the kid, backflipping off and landing on their feet infront of the boy, while the man gets sent flying back and onto the ground past the other two. The other two men were shocked and while that was happening, the mysterious person quickly picks up the kid before running off with silent footsteps.

"Jester, are you okay?!" A guy with redish hair asked while helping the guy out.

"I'm fine, but don't let them get away!" The guy replied as he sits up and rubbed his face.

"Yes sir," A different guy with brown hair responded and tries going after the two.

The red haired man helps Jester out and the guy soon recovers from the kick.

"That guy just now, he is gonna pay for this!" The man said in his thoughts.


The mysterious person carried the boy in their arms and entered a room while closing the door behind them, making sure not to make a loud noise. The person had a hood on to hide their identity as the shadows covered their eyes. They then put the boy down.

"Are you alright?" They asked.

"Y-yeah, t-thank you, mister," The boy said while wiping his tears.

The person noticed the injury and brings out some bandages from their pocket.

"Here, let me tend your wounds, wouldn't want them to get infected," the person said.

"U-uhm, okay," The boy replied being hesitant at first and then the mysterious person proceeds to tend to the boy's wounds.

"There, all finished," the person said as they finished applying the bandages.

"Arigato," the boy said.

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