Chapter 15: A Brother's Bond

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(To avoid some confusion, Tsurugi is the surname of the brothers but Kyousuke is mostly referred as the surname "Tsurugi' while his brother will go by Yuuichi.)

Tsurugi went to the doctor's office before heading to a hospital room. On the board beside the door is the name 'Tsurugi Yuuichi', presumably his brother's room. He stood in front of the door before knocking, it didn't take long for a response to arrive.

"Come in," A voice from the other side was heard.

Tsurugi then places his hand on the handle before opening the door. He then entered and saw his brother.

"Nii-san," Tsurugi said.

"Kyousuke," his brother replied with a smile and Tsurugi smiled in response.

He then helped his brother get on the wheelchair and they went to the rooftop. They viewed the town from there and felt the cool breeze.

"I'm glad you come visit me everyday these days, but what about training?" Yuuichi asked.

"It's fine," Tsurugi replied.

"Really?" my brother asked as he smirked a little. 

"I said its fine," Tsurugi responds as he slightly smiled.

"Okay," Yuuichi said and then looked at the view.

"How is it with the team?" Yuuichi added.

"Well... We've been working hard and I'm getting along with them," Tsurugi replied with a smile.

"You're a full fledge member of the team now," Yuucihi said with a smile. "You should still be very careful when it comes to missions though, after all, the enemies get tougher."

Tsurugi looked at him and nodded in response. But when he saw his brother's legs, it always reminded him of something.. Of THAT day.

Tsurugi then looked back at the view and had a flashback on the past.


Tsurugi was just seven years old while Yuuichi was twelve. The two were playing around in their room where Tsurugi was pretending to be a knight while Yuuichi is an evil wizard.

"It's over dark knight, I will use my ultimate move, Thousand Arrows!" Yuuichi said while acting and using the soft toy balls as projectiles.

"Oh yeah, take this, Dark Burst!" Tsurugi shouts and charges with his toy sword in hand.

The brothers then both play fight till Tsurugi defeats Yuuichi.

"Oh no! I've been, defeated! You win this one, dark knight.. Eh," Yuuichi said dramatically and lays on the ground pretending to be dead.

"Really nii-san?" Tsurugi said as he approached him and pokes Yuuichi a bit.

Although Yuuichi suddenly took him by surprise by grabbing Tsurugi and dragging him down but was caught by his brother.

"I got you now Kyousuke!" Yuuichi said as he hugged his little brother while laughing a bit.

"No fair nii-san!" Tsurugi said and then laughs a bit.

The two brothers then continued playing. While drawing, Yuuichi suddenly hears something. Tsurugi notices and stops what he was doing as he looked at his brother with a confused look.

"Nii-san, what's wrong?" Tsurugi asked.

"It's nothing don't worry, I'll be right back Kyousuke," Yuuichi said as he looked and gave a bit of a smile.

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