Chapter 5: Mission Accomplished

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Third POV:

Theme: Agitation
By: Maritumix

Tenma and his friends went into a fighting stance. Rina brought out her fans, Akane grabbed her device and it turned on and released its blades, Shindou and Aoi brought out mechanical gloves that fire the same projectiles as their staffs, Nishiki reloaded his silent gun, Aoi then handed Tenma a mechanical sword that Otonashi-sensei made, and Echo brought out two knives. Since Tenma, Akane, and Rina were close-ranged assassins, they charged at the guy. Echo tried to slash, but Tenma jumped high and front flipped behind the guy, while Rina backed up. Rina threw one of her fans at Echo, it grazed his face, but it was not over. Tenma catches the fan and threw it back. The fan grazed Echo's arm and Rina catches the fan. Akane charged at the man and slashed, but Echo blocked it. She then kicks Echo and sends him back. Tenma tried to stab Echo in the heart, but Echo moved a little, making Tenma stab Echo in the arm instead. Echo's other arm was now bleeding. Tenma kicked Echo in the back and sent him forward. Rina tried to slash the man but, he did an uppercut and sent Rina back. Rina backflipped and landed on her feet. Tenma charged at the man and tried to slash him while Aoi fires some projectile, but Echo dodges the projectiles and blocked Tenma's sword with his knives. He then kicks Tenma in the leg, causing him to fall. Echo was about to stab Tenma until he saw a purple glow on the corner of his eye, so Echo jumped and a purple projectile passes Tenma and Echo. While Echo was in the air, Aoi fires a blue projectile and it hits Echo. As Echo crashes down, Rina jumps to his level and kicks him downwards, but Echo blocks it with his bloodied up arms. Echo's back hits the ground and he tried to get up. Tenma charged at him and tried to stab Echo in the face, but he dodges it and tried to knock Tenma down by hitting his feet, but Tenma backed up. Echo stands back up, but only for a bullet to miss his head. Nishiki along with Shindou continued to shoot but Echo kept dodging. When Nishiki ran out of bullets and had to reload while Shindou reserved his energy, Echo grinned and he swiftly threw some throwing knives at the two, catching everyone but Tenma by surprise. Tenma immediately reacted, grabbed a nearby empty trashcan, and threw it. The knives stabbed the trash can, saving Nishiki and Shindou from getting knives to the face. Tenma suddenly felt something strange behind him, he turned his head and Echo was there. However Shindou and Aoi both fired projectiles and Echo backs away as he dodges however some projectiles grazed him, saving Tenma from getting stabbed in the back. After Echo landed, Akane appeared behind him and slashed him in the back. When Akane was about to stab him. Echo backflipped and landed back on the ground. He then tried to slash Akane, but Tenma went in front of Akane and blocked the knife. Tenma pushed Echo back and Echo backed up.

*Stop the music*

Echo was huffing as his blood dripped onto the floor.

"Heh, you guys are starting to piss me off," he said.

"Surrender now Echo," Tenma said.

Echo grinned maniacally and said, "heh, you really think I will. This is just the beginning."

Echo brought out another syringe filled with black liquid. The six Raimon assassins' eyes widened. Echo then injected the substance to himself. Echo then fell to the ground and started to scream in pain, he clutched his head and his wounds started to heal. Rina and Tenma charged at him and tried to kill him before anything happens. But then Echo releases a shockwave, sending Tenma and Rina back. Their backs hit against the floor and their friends helped them up.

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