Chapter 3: Daily Life

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Third POV:

Within the dorm building, it was quiet as everyone was sound asleep, well, that was until someone had woken up by themselves. The brunet known as Matsukaze Tenma had woken up due to his own circumstances. He opens his eyes and finds himself looking up at the ceiling above.

Tenma groans a bit before turning to his side, thinking to himself, "Again..? What time is it?"

He looks at his alarm clock and saw it was 5:00 am.

"Huh, guess I woke up early.. Well I don't feel like going back to sleep, might as well just get ready for today then," He said in his thoughts as he disables the alarm so it doesn't ring later on.

He gets up from his bed and stretches as he heads over to the bathroom and takes a shower before putting on his assassin clothes. He then grabs his swords which were in their holders and puts it on his back, making sure the straps aren't loose. Once he is prepared, he left his room and looked around, realizing he was the only one awake, for now that is.

Tenma shrugs it off a bit and said in his mind, "Well, this was to be expected, usually we all wake up at six or seven to make breakfast and get ready for the morning.. If I cooked breakfast this early, it will get cold overtime. Guess I'll just train, after a quick snack."

He just grabs a packed sandwich from the pantry and water bottle from the fridge, "I'm not that hungry anyways, after that, I'll help out in cooking, I won't take too long right?"

After eating his quick snack, he makes his way to the training building and went to the parkour area. He then presses the button and the area changed in what one of the backstreets towns look like. He climbed up the ladder to the roof and got in position. He did some warm-ups before preparing to start his usual training routine.

"Alright, let's do this," Tenma said to himself as his hand hovers over the button.

He then presses the button and the timer started, making him start his run.


While Tenma was in the training building, he had completely lost track of time, an hour or so had passed. During that time, two people woke up and met up in the hallway of the dorms. Those two being Shindou and Kirino.

"Oh, good morning Kirino," Shindou said as he smiled a bit.

"Good morning to you too Shindou, you're up early," Kirino replies while smiling back.

"I could say the same for you," Shindou responds, "Do you plan on heading over to the main building?"

"Yup, about to check who else is awake, wanna come?" Kirino asked.

"Sure, I was thinking the same thing anyways," Shindou replies.

The two then head over to the main building and first checked the kitchen, there they see Sangoku, Blaze, Kudou, and Otonashi, most likely setting up to cook. Kudou noticed the two arrive immediately .

"Good morning you two," Kudou greeted them.

"Ohayogozaimasu!" Sangoku greeted them as well as he smiled.

"Good morning Shindou-kun, Kirino-kun," Otonashi said while smiling as well.

"Ohayo!" Blaze said as he grinned.

"Ohayo minna!" Shindou and Kirino responded.

"Are you about to make breakfast?" Kirino asked.

"Hai! We're were just setting up first," Sangoku replied.

"Can we help out?" Shindou asked.

"Sure, the more the merrier," Otonashi replied as she smiled.

"Arigato Otonashi-sensei," Shindou responds.

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