Chapter 14: Dares or Truths

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One week later,

Third POV:

Kirino and Ichino were in the doctor's office reading some books or taking a nap. Someone then knocked on the door. Kirino put down the book and Ichino woke up.

"Come in," Kirino said.

The door opened and Tenma, Aoi, Shinsuke, Aoyama, Athena, Shindou, Cole, Leo, Lea, and Rina came in. They greeted each other and the eight other assassins went to Kirino and Ichino.

"I heard about what happened during the mission. How are you guys feeling?" Rina asked.

"We're alright, our injuries are healing and we'll be out in three weeks," Kirino said with a smile.

"Thats great," Tenma said with a smile.

"So, are you guys bored cause we can play a game and keep you guys company," Cole said.

"Sure thing," Ichino said with a smile, "What are we gonna play?"

"Well, Rina and Cole said we are gonna play Truth or Dare," Shindou said.

"Sounds fun," Lea and Shinsuke said in unison.

Everyone grabbed a chair and a table to spin the bottle that Cole brought. After a couple of spins, they did many things and did funny dares. The bottle was spun and it landed on Tenma.

"Hey Tenma, truth or dare?" Lea asked.

"Well, truth," Tenma said with a smile.

"Well, do you have a crush on someone?" Lea asked while doing a lenny face.

"Well.. Yeah," Tenma said.

And Lea's eyes lit up and said, "Who?"

"I'm not telling, you only asked if I have a crush not who," Tenma said.

"Fair enough," Lea said but was sad inside that she didn't get to know who.

They spun the bottle and it landed on Athena.

"Hey Athena, truth or dare?" Rina asked.

"Truth," Athena said, but when she saw some of the others doing a ship face, she knew what was coming.

"Never mind! dare," Athena said.

"Alright, I dare you to wear this," Rina said as she lent her a bag.

In one peak, Athena's eyes widened.

"No way I'm wearing this," Athena said.

"Pretty please," Rina said and did her cute eyes.

"A-alright, fine," Athena said and then got up. She grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom to change.

"Uh, Rina, what did you give Athena?" Kirino asked.

"You will see~" Rina said with a smile.

When Athena came out, she wore a blue and cyan dress.

(Don't mind the pink highlights)

Appearance:(Don't mind the pink highlights)

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