Before I start with the story, English is not my first language. I'm only currently obsessing with stray kids (especially chan UwU) so I won't know too many insider or joke within the fandom. Anywayzzz enjoy boiiiiz :3
_(Y/n) pov:
Again I have to watch my little brother suffer... Most mornings he feel a little dizzy but otherwise okay enough to enjoy meal. Not today tho. Today's one of his worst days. It's hard to look at him. Seeing him over the toilet, crying his eyes out and begging for our parents..
"Please, (y/n). Get mom and dad", he cries, unable to look at me.
I sigh, but eventually stand up:" I'll try to get them."
Quickly I leave the bathroom and walk to my parents bedroom, where I meet a closed door.
They always close their door, when he throws up. If they can't hear it, it's not there, right?
At first I knock softly, hoping that would be enough to get them to answer, bit just like I expected, they just irgnore me. A second time I knock. This time more powerful, just to be ignored again. After my third knock and no response I just enter.
"You're not allowed to just enter", my mother spoke, fixing my dad's tie.
I just ignore what she said.
"He's throwing up again."
"We know", my dad answers this time, while waiting for his wife to finish with his tie.
"He's asking for you two, like always."
This time both just stay silent, so I continue to speak,"He need his parents! He has a appointment today. You should go instead-"
A snap from my dad makes me stop talking immediately.
"We went over this a million times, haven't we?", My mom asks rather sad, to which my father continues:"It's your duty to care for him whenever you're out of school. You're his big sister and you will take care of him, understood?"
No matter how much I want to disobey him, I just can't..
"Yeah...", I nod quietly, leaving their room. Before I could completely leave tho my dad spoke again:"Close the door (y/n)!"
Without looking back I close their stupid door behind me and return to my brother, who has finally stopped throwing up. For the disappointed look on my face he could tell what happened. Again he began to cry. All I could do now is try to comfort him and try again next time..After I cleaned him up, got him dressed and made him some lunch I was able to drop him off to school and get on my own way.
"I wish I had a car..", I sulk quietly while walking. I asked my parents multiple times, but they would always say 'that will take attention away from your brother' which is just a stupid argument. Walking to school and most appointments he has will surely hurt him in the long run. Of course they wouldn't see my point no matter how much I tried to reason with them.. just thinking about it make me so angry! And I can't even do anything. If I would tell the authorities and they would take my bother away no one would pay for his treatments."God it's hopeless.."
"What's hopeless?", A not unfamiliar voice that appears out of nowhere makes me jump and almost lose balance. As soon as I turn around I see one of my closes friends Rosa.
"Stop doing that!", I hiss before turning back and continuing my to walk. Rosa just laughs tho, walking beside me and smiling:"You know I can't help it."
"And you know how much I hate it!", It's pretty obvious that I'm not in the mood for her 'jokes' and she could tell.
"He was sick again, wasn't he?"
I just nod.
"Your parents really need to step up their game..", she spoke obviously annoyed as well.
"They won't. They probably think he won't make it anyway", I admit, looking down.
In a desperate try to comfort me, Rosa rubs my back gently:"You can still ask for my help, you know? You really don't have to do it all by yourself."
Immediately I shake my head:" Zack's not your responsibility!"
"Neither is he yours!"
"Rosa, he's eight! I can't just leave him alone!"
We both sigh, before she agrees with me. "You're right... I just want you to understand, that you're not alone."
After this small argument we both remain silent until we arrive at our school and meet our other friend, and the boy I'm the closest to.
"You fought again", he said in his deep voice that still let's shivers run down my spine.
"Don't we always", Rosa laughs a bit embarrassed, while I just look at her annoyed.
"Same thing as usual. So no need to worry, Felix", I say, give him a small smile before entering the building.The three of us have been somewhat close for a long time. Tho both Felix and Rosa don't really talk much, unless they're with me. That never really bothered me, nor them as far as I know.
As soon as we enter our classroom, a few boys walk up to Felix and greet him, while Rosa walks to some friends of hers. I, on the other hand, simply walk to my seat. I've never been close to others, besides these two of course.aybe it's just that I enjoy some peace rather than all the gossip. Tho gossip can be interesting sometimes.
Carefully I watch Rosa and Felix, as both of them enjoy their company. Joking around and laughing. I'm not that much fun to be around. I have way too much to do, I can't just enjoy my free time like that. After all, I need to take care of my little brother Zack. Maybe when he's better I'll be able to go on partys like they do. When he's better or if he...
Being so occupied with my own thoughts I didn't even notice that someone, also not unfamiliar, stand in front of me.
As soon as I hear my name I make a small jump before looking up.
"Where you dreaming about me?", The guy smiles, giving me a wink.
I sigh with annoyence:"What do you want?"
"A date", he says bluntly, without any sign of hesitation.
"Chan, I already rejected you. So just piss off already!", I still don't get what he actually want from me, but I know that he's pissing me off every time we talk.
"Awww", he pouts, making a cute face, which I simply ignore, until he get a chair to sit in front of me.
"What are you doing?"
Chan chuckles lightly:"I can't see your face, when you look down like that."
"Gross dude..", before I can control speak, my phone buzzes. It's a phonecall.Chan pov:
With a shocked look on her face (y/n) takes her phone out of her pocket and answers a call. Her expression changes from stressed to extremely worried, as she proceeds to stand up, take her back and quickly, but quietly, walk out of the room. Confused I look after her. Part of me what's to follow her and make sure that everything's okay, but doing that would be dumb. She's always been a private person and this seems to be serious.
Right after (y/n) left, I stand up and walk over to Felix and the others.
"What's up with her?", I ask, hoping that Felix might have an answer.
"(Y/n)? Probably just an emergency", Felix says casually before turning back to the others.
Before I am able to say anything else, Rosa, another friend of hers, that I don't really talk to, walks next to me. She seems frustrated.
"Most likely her Brother again. She's been no fun since he was diagnosed..", she mutters, thinking I'm unable to hear her, before also exiting the classroom.Sooooo, her brother's sick..

What Love Is Supposed To Be/ Bangchan x reader
RomanceWhile taking care of your sick brother, you never had time for 'love'. Getting vulnerable just to get hurt was overrated anyways, you thought. But what if someone could show you what love actually is or will you be right in the end? started: 14th. A...