Chapter 3 | A Confession

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(y/n) pov

Annoyed I stare at my phone screen. Who does he think he is??

How did you get my number??

Unknown number:
How did you get so beautiful? ;)

Dude... Gross

Unknown number:
Awww don't be like that (y/n) :c

You need to take a hint and leave me alone already!

Unknown number:
But your brother seems to like me a lot~

Which doesn't mean we have to spend time with each other.

Unknown number:
So cold :(
But that's okay
I'll will you over eventually! :)

No, I rejected you for a reason!
Now piss off!

I can believe him. Why is he still trying? I literally ripped his heart out that night.. A sigh escapes my lips, as I lay on my bed, ignoring the incoming notifications.

"That night..."

It all happened a few week ago, shortly after my brother was diagnosed. Back then my parents still cared about him.. took him to appointments and made sure to show him how loved he is.
I was having night out with Felix and some of his friends, that I usually don't do a lot with. Originally Rosa was supposed to join us, but a spontaneous family dinner where she was supposed to introduce her boyfriend of three months came up, so she cancelled on us. Together with Felix, and his friends Han and Changbin, I enjoyed a nice meal in a restaurant, before leaving to go see the stars. I know, probably not the best thing to do on a Saturday night, but the three boys were really enjoyed themselves. We were laughing a lot, while walking to their care.
"The waitress with the blond hair was so pretty", Han says with lightly red cheeks. It looks cute on him, I thought to myself, before joining the conversation.
"I could have gotten you her number", I joke around, or rather somewhat joke. It wouldn't have been a problem to get her number if he's too shy to ask, which he obviously was.
"She was really attractive tho", Changbin agreed, to which Felix also nod. The other two boys seemed not as into her, but they're right. She was really pretty. She kinda remembered me of a famous female actresses, that I adored as a child.
Quietly I giggled to myself, as we reach the white car.
Changbin drove. Han was in the passenger seat. Felix and I made ourselves comfortable in the backseat.

After a short drive up a rather big hill, we excited. We didn't even drive 10 minutes.
I was the last to get out and I was extremely confused when I did.
Not a single person was around. One way was lit up with candles in my favorite color. Unsure I look at the others, who seemed to know what's going on. Felix was just nodding, reassuring me that everything was okay and that I should walk.
Slowly I began to move my legs. The way was long. So long, I wasn't able to see the three of them after a short while.
The (f/c) candles still marked my way, showing me where to go. Being carefully placed, having the perfect distance to each other. I was getting more nervous by the second. I mean, I didn't know what was going to happen or who did this..
The path ended at a bench, with a figure sitting on it. As soon as they saw my, they stood up hectically, hiding something behind their back. The person slowly moved closer to me, until I was finally able recognize who it is...


He looked nervous, staring into my (e/c) eyes. I simply stared back, not knowing what all of this was about.
"(Y/n)", he whispered softly. His longing face fading. Being replaced with fear.
"Yeah, Chan?", I answered just as quiet.
He took a second to breath, before looking at me again. Another step and he stood exactly Infront of me.
"You know you're beautiful, right?", His soft voice teased my ears, making me feel uncomfortable but safe at the same time.
I didn't answer, instead I just kept looking at him.
"We.. we've never been close", he started to speak,"But I've always wanted to be close to you. Seeing you smile when we're in school gives me butterflies. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" The more the talk, the louder he becomes.
"All I want is to protect you, while having you by my side! So please..!", While pausing he pulled a beautiful bouquet of red roses out, that he was hiding behind his back before,"Accept these! Accept me! Accept my love!"

In that moment I felt frozen. I didn't know what to say or think. My mind was just empty.

"Please say something..", his quiet, hurt voice made my heart ache.

"Your love?", Was all I could force my mouth to let out.
He just nod, smiling a bit:"I love you."

Even more shocked my eyes widened. "You must be mistaken", is this a joke? Why would he like me??
I didn't even let him answer, instead I just kept on talking:"Love's a bad joke. You let yourself get vulnerable, for the other person so crumple your heart into pieces and get the next one. It fucking sucks and I just overrated!"

Chan looked at me confused, but he didn't try to say anything, so I just continued.

"I don't have time for such bullshit! If you want to hurt someone, go find someone else and leave the alone!"

After that I just turned around and left. I felt angry. Angry with myself and the others. As soon as I saw Han, Changbin and Felix, my anger got even stronger.
"What were you thinking setting me up like that? I wanted to relax today and not get into such a uncomfortable situation!", They all just started at me silently, "Especially you should have known what I think about relationships, Felix. Don't you ever do something like that again!"

After that I just went home by myself. I was probably walking almost two hours. Gosh, was I mad.. bit it was the best decision. Considering how busy I've been these days. Not that I would have wanted to be with Chan. He's a asshole who knows no boundaries..

My phone snaps me out of my thoughts, as I grab it, unlock it and... Of course it's still him..

Unknown number:
You never said you didn't like me tho~
So I'll just have to make you want me enough :)

Unknown number:
Owww don't ignore me cutie :(

He's so annoying... Somewhat cute, but annoying!

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