Chapter 6 | let's hang out

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(y/n) pov:

Over 6 hours passed when we finally arrived back home. Zack has been sleeping the whole ride back. I'm glad that he had so much fun. It's been quite a while since I've seen him smile this much. Seeing him laugh like he used to, made me so happy. And he felt happy to. Happy enough to completely pass out, before we even got home.

"Just lay him on his bed", I tell Chan, who was carrying my little brother,"thank you, Chan."
He gives me a small smile, before going up the stairs, still holding one of the most important people to me.
After a few moments he returned.
"So.. what are you planning for the rest of the evening?", He asks, winking at me flirtatious.
I take a moment to think, before answering:"Studying."
"You being the bore I know", he giggles, still trying to tease me.
Just for fun, I decide to 'join in on the fun': "Did you want to take me somewhere or why are you asking?"
Not expecting me to actually play along, he becomes a bit shy:"Well.. some friends of mine and I were planning to go out. So why not join us?"
Before I was able respond, my mother does.

Chans pov:

"She will go with you."
As soon as (y/n)s mom said that, her daughter turns around, giving her a death stare:"Excuse you?"
"We will take care of Zack", again she gave one of her fake smiles, while looking at her upset daughter.
"No! I will not got!"
Both were starting to argue with each other, until (y/n)s father joins the 'chat'.
"(Y/n), listen to your mother!"
After (y/n) took a second to think, before just nodding silently.

3rd Person pov:

After the married couples give each other a nod, they leave Zacks room. (Y/n) was looking down, before turning her head towards Chan: "Would you mind giving me some time?"
The brown haired boy save her a worried, but still kind, smile: "Of course. I'll just wait in the living room for you."
As soon as he closes the door, (y/n) kneels down next to her brothers bed. She gives him a loving look, takes a paper and writes on it: 'If you need me, just call. (Y/n)' and her number. After laying it on the nightstand she gives him a gently kiss on his forehead, to which his lips curl to a small smile. The girl can't help but smile as well. Carefully she dims the lights, walks to the door, while making sure to not wake him up and leaves.
While (y/n) was busy, Chan got to look through the living room. He was really interested in seeing pictures of her when she was younger.
"She used to be so cute~", he thought to himself, "She is still really cute tho." The young man couldn't help but blush a little, still mesmerized by the young (y/n). Even though they have known each other for quiet a while, they only met about four year ago. It simply took them a while to actually interact with each other and when they did, the boy could not resist her cute face and fell head over heels for her.

"I'm ready", a female voice speaks, making Chans gaze go up.
"Awww, you even changed~", he says playfully, appreciating her effort.
"Since we are 'going out' I thought I should wear something more... Fitting instead of my sweaty shirt."
Insecure (y/n) looks down at herself. Usually she wouldn't wear something like that. Showing that much skin made her unsure of her decision, but as long as she isn't naked she'd be fine, she thought, still looking at herself.
"Let's leave. I wanna it over with", getting impatient the (h/c) girl walks past Chan, takes her keys, opens the door and walks out. Before following her, Chan yells that they're leaving. All he did was trying to be polite, hoping to make a at least somewhat good first impression.

(Y/n) pov:

Chan and I are sitting silently in his car, as the vehicle comes to a stop at a red light. While music is playing quietly, giving off a cozy vibe, I look out of the window. Though I can't help but notice how good of a driver Chan is. He is driving really careful. Making sure to not risk harming either of us. It all was pretty relaxing and I am enjoying the silence, until the boy driving breaks it.

"(Y/n), can I ask you something?", He says, giving me a small glance.
Nervously he rubs his neck:"Are we friends?"
The question surprises me a bit. Not saying it's not a good question. After all, we've never spend time outside of talking in school or because of my brother. Unsure on what to say, I just blue out the first thing that comes to mind.
"Not really", I'd say.
Disappointed he looks at me, before a smirk replaces that disappointment: "So we're not friends?"
I nod as he continues to speak: "That can only mean one thing, you love me!"
With a disgusted look I simply stare at him: "Of course, it all makes sense now! You don't want to be friendzoned by me!"
After a small pause, the red light turns to yellow and finally green.
"Just drive!"

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