Chapter 2 | Car ride

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(Y/n) pov:

With my little brother on my lap, I sit at a buss top. He felt sick and started to throw up just like in the morning. He was a crying mess when I arrive, running up to me and trying to hide from his classmates. I've never seen him so embarrassed. Seeing that really hurt.. I can't imagine how me must be feeling..
Carefully I look at him, as he watches some videos on my phone. Fortunately I was able to calm him down, before cleaning him up and leaving.
Gently I stroke his head. Immediately he leans into my head, enjoying the little bit of attention I'm giving him.

"Are you still feeling sick?", I ask concerned, feeling uneasy to force him into the public transportation. He on the other hand seems rather relaxed, as he just nods, still focused on his video.

For a second I close my eyes, enjoying a moment of peace and quiet. As much as you can enjoy that in such a big busy city. Until a unknown black car stopped in front of Zack and I. The window on the passenger side is closed opening, revealing a smiling, beautiful woman.
"(Y/n), right?"
Confused I look at her:"Excuse you?"
To my response she simply smiles wider:"Just like my boy said."
She giggles, when one of the backdoors opens and non other than chan leaves the vehicle, stopping in front of me.
"We'll give you a ride", I grins, offering me his hand.
Unsure what to do, I simply look at him. I can't just agree, but Zack could really need some rest..

Before I had time to figure out how to respond, my brother noticed Chan standing in front of us. Excitedly Zack shows Chan what he's watching on my phone and explains that it's his favorite show, before standing up from my lap and following Chan to the expensive looking car.
Hectic I stand up, grabbing Chans shoulder.
"He threw up multiple times today. He might ruin the car!"
Zack was already sitting in the backseat, his eyes still clued to my phone.
"Guess he spoke", Chan joked with his cute smile on his face.
Defeated I try to follow Zack into the care, when Chan stopped me. His mesmerizing eyes focused at mine, as our faces are just inches away from each other. For a moment we just stare at each other.
"What?", I ask, hoping this moment would end as soon as possible. He seems frustrated:"You should have told me he's sick."
Right after he let go of me and entered the car again. Not understanding I just take a second to realize what just happened, before snapping out of it and following the boy.

As soon as I sit inside his father, I assume, start to drive off. Immediately I tell Zack to stop looking at the phone, which he does begrudgingly. I'm worry he might feel sick again.
I try to suppress a yawn, but fail completely. For a second I let my eyes shut down. Since when have J been this tired? Maybe it's the car ride, that's making me feel so exhausted?

Chans pow:

After a few moments I hear quiet snoring from my right. Looking in that direction I see (y/n) as she sleeps peaceful next to me. She must have been tired... I wonder what her brother actually has. He seems fragile..
"Hey bud, can I borrow your sisters phone for a second?", I ask him with a smile, hoping he would just do it and to my surprise he actually did. Quickly I look for her number. As soon as I have found it, I save it in my phone and return it to her little brother, who's just enjoying the view. He didn't even notice that I gave him the phone back. Anyway, I finally have her number, after asking a million times already. Maybe it wasn't that right, to just take her phone and search for her number, but she didn't even try to stop me. With that thought I remember who's sleeping next to me. Carefully I examen her face, making sure to not miss a single for her sleeping face. Slowly I grab her hands. Holding her hand makes my heart race a little. (Y/n) has such soft and small hands compared to mine. Whenever I'm close to her, I lose myself in her. She's just so... intoxicating for me. She's always been, but now, being so close to her.. makes me not want to let her go..
"Chan", my mother's voice snaps me out of my thoughts,"She can't consent like that."
I sigh:"I'm just holding her hand, nothing more."
She also growns in annoyence:"Just don't go too far, I raised you better than that", she spoke before goiyback on her phone And letting me go back to admiring (y/n).

(Y/n) pov:

After some soft tapping I slowly open my eyes.
"We've arrived", Chans mother spoke.
I immediately search for my brother, just to find him outside playing with Chan. I haven't seen Zack play nor laugh like that in a long time. A small smile creeps unto my lips, as I turn my head back to the seat in front of me.
"I'm really sorry for the inconveniences, but thank you for giving my brother and I a ride."
The woman chuckles:"No, I have to thank you."
Not understanding what she means I simply look at her.
"Thank you for making my Chan smile, (y/n)", she explains. Even tho I still didn't fully get what she means, I just answer with:"It's my pleasure", before exiting the car.

Chan and Zack are still playing together. As soon as the two of them notice me, my brother runs up to me, hugging my torso.
"What's up with you?", I ask laughing.
With puppy dog eyes he looks up at me and literally begs for Chan to visit up again.
"Zack", I kneel down beside him,"I am sure Chan's very busy and I can't just decide when or if he's gonna visit us."
As soon as I finish Chan also kneels beside the both of us, giving Zack the biggest and warmest smile I've ever seen:"I'll make sure to visit you as much as possible."
These words make my brother jump with joy, while I almost fall to the ground. Please everything but THAT.. Chan, the person I rejected in my home.... This has to be a bad dream, right? I'll just wake up and everything will be as it was.. right.. RIGHT??

After Chan left, I had to make lunch, take care of Zack, myself and after a few hours cook dinner. I've never been so glad that a day is about to end. Happily and freshly showered I left myself fall onto my bed, when I heard my phone buzz. Confused I take a look at the notification.

Unknown number:
This is Chan, you future boyfriend~ hope you'll sleep well, princess

What the hell? When did he get my number??

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