Reason ten

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FRESH BREEZE FLEW THROUGH YOUR CLOTHES; your fingertips clasped around your bags. The Carriage stood just twenty meters away, taunting you with the sight as your Squad slowly boarded.

A man took your luggage with a faint smile and nod, before beginning to place it into the bunk of the ebony carriage that would escort you back to Lord Wald's land.

Your head felt light; your body erupting in shivers.

Your stomach ached with anxiety, forcing back the urge to cry as you felt a hand slowly trace down your back. Your face eased at the sensation, able to smell the addicting scent of his cologne.

Levi stood beside you, his arm extending to hook around your waist.

You sighed, lowering your head.

You turned your face to see him, his ebony hair gently blowing in the early-morning breeze: his face was calm, his silver eyes swiftly locking onto yours as you felt your heart skip a beat.

His hand slowly drifted down your arm, trickling down your wrist before his fingers finally interlocked with yours: one by one. You shivered at his touch, your eyes bashfully averting to the ground as your eyes began to sting once more.

"I-.." You began, feeling a gloss take over your vision, "What if I never see you again, Levi?"

"You don't know that." His deep voice commanded, sending chills all through your body; his finger traced below your chin, lifting it up to force your gaze onto him, "Don't cry: please. I want this moment to be happy, not sad."

You raised your wrist to your eyes, "I'm sorry, I just can't bear it."

Levi sighed through his nose, beginning to offer you a faint smile: he lifted your fingers from your eyes, pressing his soft lips against your sensitive skin as you felt your body shiver once more at the feeling.

"I'll write to you every chance I get." His voice softened to comfort you, "I promise you, Y/N L/N."

You forced a small smile back to him, your arms slowly easing around his broad shoulders, "I'll hold you up on that."

Levi's fingers traced against your cheeks, cupping your face to pull your lips against his.

Your last kiss; the final time you'd feel his soft lips melt into yours.

He deepened his lips into yours as you brushed strands of soft, ebony hair away from his face; you savoured the taste of his lips - memorising each fragment of how you felt to never forget the way Levi kissed you.

You slowly pulled away, hearing a man's voice call that: "Everyone boarding must enter the carriage within the next five minutes!"

You flinched, looking back at him with alertness; his expression matched yours. Levi tightly closed his eyes, shaking his head: he clenched his jaw as you felt his body pull you even closer to him.

Your fingers stayed lingering around his jaw: "Levi?"

He didn't respond.

"Before I leave, I need to know one thing."

"What is it?" His eyes slowly locked onto yours.

You squinted your eyes, shaking your head subtly: "Please.. explain what you said when you saved my life."

His eyes widened.

"Please." You murmured once more.

He parted his lips, before closing them once more as he nervously swallowed: "You.. really want to know that badly?"

You nodded adamantly.

He sighed, his silver eyes slowly fluttering shut: "Fine. But don't be disappointed when you realise that it's nothing." His hesitated, his fingers still entwined with yours: "When I first became a Scout, every other Soldier would avoid me - ignored me when I spoke, and mocked my every trait." He paused for a few moments, rubbing the sore spot of his neck, "After my second mission, I was badly injured: I could barely walk, but couldn't bring myself to ask for help."

You tilted your head.

He sigh felt from his lips, "I struggled my way into a bathroom, and attempted to clean and bandage my wounds: I didn't even know where the bandages were kept, or how to use them." Levi paused for a few moments, his eyes beginning to close as his fingers ran down his face: "And then.. you saw me."

A confused smile began to lighten on your face, "Oh?"

His shoulders shrugged, "You didn't even say anything before helping me: you didn't know my name, or who I was, you just.. helped. Your touch was so effortlessly gentle, Y/N; your eyes were so warm when they looked to me as you told me your name." You watched his soft lips begin to curl up as his thumb stroked your palm, tightening his fingers around yours, "You looked so effortlessly beautiful that I couldn't forget your face: I saw you a few times after that - talking to people like Hange and Erwin, but I never had the courage to go back and thank you." His eyes turned more sad; you heard him sniffle as his hands raised up your arms, "And when I finally did, I found out that you were already gone."

Your heart ached deeply, your face seizing with your lip twitching down.

"Why is it that every time I think I have a chance with you," Levi's voice cracked as his silver eyes locked onto yours, "You're already slipping out of my reach?"

You hooked your arms around Levi's shoulders, feeling his face instantly bury into your shoulder as he sniffled once more; you held onto him so tightly that you struggled to breathe.

His muscular arms slithered around your waist, pulling your body against him.

You didn't want to leave Levi; the thought that you might never see him again ached you.

You thought of everything; the day he saved your life; the day he took you to the library; the waterfall, where you splashed eachover non-stop until your arms were to fatigued to move; the way you'd made love just the previous night.

"This.. is it." You mumbled to yourself, still holding him close as you felt a tear leave the corner of your eye, staining your cheek.

The carriage rider called you over as the rest of your Squad waited for you onboard.

You both flinched, realising that this was your last moments together.

"Until we meet again.." You muttered with a tight frown, finally pulling away with a silver tear staining down your cheek, "Captain Levi."

He pressed his lips against yours, softly kissing you for the last time: "Until we meet again," He whispered against your lips, "Y/N L/N."


𝐌𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧;

𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞.


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