Reason One ; II

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YOUR EYES WERE MISTY, you could faintly hear the sound of drumming footsteps run towards your body as you lay against the floor: not quite unconscious, yet not quite awake either. 

You heard a deep, brooding voice murmur words that you couldn't quite understand: a voice you didn't recognise.

Two firm hands travelled against your shoulders, slowly rolling you onto your back as an empty sigh slipped from your lips.

You felt the strangers index and middle finger travel against your neck, trickling up your skin to check for a pulse.

He sighed with relief as a throbbing sensation returned to his fingertips, meaning that you were alive.

Your muscles felt tender and weak, each shivering with a deep agony that took over your system.

"She's.. alive." The unknown soldier calmly whispered to himself. His deep voice was cold and brooding: you found yourself becoming swiftly addicted to the sound. Each syllable was frighteningly emotionless; devoid of any type of feelings.

With his cold, slender fingers removed from your neck, you felt his hand slowly travel down your body; one of his hands wrapped around the back of your neck, the other clasping beneath your knees.

He lifted your body up from the ground with ease.

Your head fell to his chest as he cradled you in his arms, holding your figure close against him before he swiftly stepped forward. With a throbbing skull, you felt yourself be picked up by the wind as he travelled to the nearest place to earn help.


Nanaba's eyes glared over her shoulder as she heard her name being called from afar.

The stranger landed on his feet with care, holding your body a little closer before beginning to lower you back to the ground: "A little help here would be nice."

The woman's eyes immediately widened as she saw your unconscious body weakly be placed against the ground.

"Shit, Y/N!" She grunted, holding onto the reigns of her horse to drag it closer to your body, "What the fuck happened?"

Nanaba's hands rummaged through the bag attached to their silver-horses saddle.

The unknown soldier scoffed, shaking his head, "The hell if I know; I saw the titan and got rid of it - then I looked to the side and saw her lying on the floor." He paused for a few moments as Nanaba crouched beside you, finally pulling out a first-aid kit, "Pass me those bandages, she's bleeding."

He removed his jacket from his shoulders, folding it into two before placing it below your head as a pillow.

You felt a warm hand entwine with yours as you finally fluttered your eyes open, feeling your muscles twitch with a numb pain.

Nanaba swallowed, allowing the man to take the lead: "I didn't even know Y/N was back home.." She paused, feeling your fingers twitch and tighten around here, "Shit-.. no one tells me anything, huh?"

"Eugh..!" He cringed, scoffing with disgust, "She's filthy."

Your eyes slowly dragged open, flickering onto one of the two figures that loomed above you; you recognised Nanaba immediately, but only through the silver, short hair that she had when you'd left. Her pretty face was completely unrecognisable, but not due to her physically changing, just due to the fact that your eyes were refusing to focus on anything apart from hazy silhouettes and colours.

"Oi-.. Nanaba." The stranger snapped her back into focus, "I said pass me those bandages."

She sighed, "Sorry, Levi."

Levi scoffed, taking them swiftly before beginning to unravel them with his fingertips.

He inhaled a short, reluctant breath, before his fingers entwined with the end of your shirt. He slowly unbuttoned it until it reached your chest, before wiping the wound with a dampened cloth.

Your teeth clamped together, your head still light and hazy.

Nanaba traced her fingers along your wrist as if to help put you at ease as a grunt fell from your lips, feeling a raw sensation spread across your stomach as your wounds were cleaned.

His firm hand traced beneath your back to lift up your stomach, beginning to wrap a clean bandage around your waist to prevent you from bleeding more.

Levi's hands were cold against your skin, making you flinch at his chilling touch.

His touch was firm felt delicate, his sole focus on the tidiness of each bandage that sheltered your skin. He swallowed, gripping hold of your shirt to lazily button it back up your body.

Your eyes were still half-open, slowly beginning to clear as the throbbing in you skull became slightly more manageable.

Levi picked up another cloth from Nanaba's bag, soaking it in chilling water from his bottle before leaning his body closer to your face.

Your eyes cracked to a tight close, scrunching your nose as the coldness of the cloth pressed against your lips and neck.

He didn't give himself time to even think before he helped you.

Levi's slender fingers slowly ran against your jaw, dragging your face to stare at his as he placed the cloth beneath your nose, soaking up the crimson blood that stained your lips.

Your eyes slowly drifted open, your pupils scanning up the slender figure just inches away.

And that was when your eyes finally met with the man who had just saved your life.

And then suddenly, everything grew quiet; not a bird could be heard, or even the rustling of leaves in the forrest.

His dark, silver eyes were sinking into each inch of blood that lurked on your chin and neck, his only devotion being to clear you of the crimson liquid.

His iris' were a deep, brooding shade of grey that matched the nights stars - his eyes were empty of emotion, just like his voice. His lashes were dark, shielding the shade of tiresome lilac that was stained his face.

You became entranced by the way his cold eyes glistened in the sun; your body suddenly intoxicated by a man you didn't even know the name of. His jawline was sharp, causing dark shadows against his neck.

Strands of soft, ebony hair fell down his forehead; his raven undercut was cleanly shaven.

His muscles were visible through his thin, white shirt; the fabric clung to his skin, highlighting each shape and shadow of his figure.

His lips looked soft. Incredibly soft.

You felt the man's pupils finally lock onto yours, his eyes slightly widening.

The soldier hesitated, letting out a sharp breath through his nose. His breaths were shattered by his exertion from running just a few minutes before.

His eyes slowly drifted up each feature of your face, unsure on what to say to you.

"W-.." You struggled for words, your mind instantly throbbing once more as you found your brain grasping at different things to say, "Who are you?"

The soldiers eyes widened immediately by your words as if struggling to comprehend what you had just asked him.

He swallowed, removing his hand from your cheek, "You.. don't remember me?"

"I-.." You faintly murmured back, before feeling your chest tighten once more, suddenly suffocating you and preventing you from saying a word.

You weakly closed your eyes, allowing yourself to inhale a deep breath as you became unconscious once more.

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now