Reason Two

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just thought i'd point this
our incase anyone doesn't know:
Lord Wald is the character that
Pixis was speaking to in one of the
first episodes of AOT - when
the Colossal Titan breached
the wall for the second time
(he is a cannon character, not an OC)

PAPER FILLED YOUR FINGERTIPS, slips sliding out of your grasp and falling to the wooden floor. You could barely see over the pile that towered above your forehead, your arms shaking as you tried to contain each form and application that laid in your hands.

Your teeth clenched as you took a step up the barracks stairs, still wobbling on your feet as you tried your best to not tumble and take the papers down with you.

The floorboards creaked beneath your shoes.

You stepped forward down the hallway, before hearing the creak of a door open widely. A door hit against your body, smacking the pile of paper straight onto the ground, as well as causing you to tumble back onto the floor.

You pressed your hand against your head, groaning under your breath as your eyes cracked open to realise that the papers had scattered everywhere.

Your brows furrowed together angrily.

Your eyes glared forward to scold whoever had carelessly knocked you down, before realising that it was none other than Levi.

His silver eyes widened as he realised what had happened, before he slowly knelt down against the floor; he laced his fingers around some of the sheets, beginning to pick them up for you without saying a word.

You swallowed; you felt nervous - you couldn't explain why, you just did.

You forced your body to sit up, following his lead and picking up more of the scattered papers.

Levi finally glanced up at you, his face calm with a relaxed frown stained against his lips, "Sorry." His cold voice was far harsher than you remembered: each syllable rattled from his tongue with a perfect rasp that left shivers down your spine, "It was an accident. I didn't do it on purpose."

You tilted your head, offering him a small smirk: "I should hope not." You attempted to joke, but only a cold expression greeted you back as he scrunched his nose.

His slender fingers picked up the last sheet, leaning his hand close to pass you the paper. Levi's fingertips brushed against yours as you took the pile from his hands.

"Thankyou." You slowly extended your arm, your smile turning warmer without realising, "I'm Y/N L/N."

Levi's slender eyebrow raised, lifting his chin with a slight glare: "I'm well aware of your name." A scoff left the man's soft lips as you felt a wave of embarrassment crash through you as you remembered he'd saved your life.

You awkwardly stared at him, tilting your head as he did the same in return.

His brows cringed together a little: "It's Levi."

Your eyebrow raised, "Just Levi? That's all I get to know?"

His eyes turned a colder, narrowing down onto your face as he finally stood, "That's all there is to know." Levi replied with a sharpness in his voice, as if offended that you'd ask him such a question.

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