Reason eight ; I

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YOUR LEGS ACHED, rushing to the meeting that was due to already end; the meeting that was marked as 'vitally important' by the Commander.

Your shoes skidded against the pristinely cleaned mahogany floor; your fingers traced down the door to the meeting court, feeling it release at your touch.

You exasperatingly stood against the frame, watching each persons head perk at the sight of you: a small group of your close Comrades all sat around around a rectangular table, each of them staring towards you with a condescending glare.

"Y/N.." Erwin's voice deeply called out with furrowed brows, watching your lips curl into an awkward frown.

"I'm sorry," You murmured, finally closing the heavy door behind you as you began to hesitantly wander towards the only free seat, "I woke up late."

He sighed beneath his breath, beginning to sort the papers inbetween his fingertips: "Fine. You haven't missed much: we've just been discussing the trip next Thursday."


A small smirk grew on Levi's lips as you sat beside him, "You haven't already forgotten about it, have you? We had a meeting on it a whole month ago."

You cluelessly raised your brow, watching Erwin run his fingers along his temple to groan tiredly, "Listen this time, please."

You responded with silence, just leaning closer over the table to hear.

"So, as of now we have neighbouring towns outside of the Walls that lack stations and the aid of Soldiers, so we've been asked to travel to each of the more populated areas to discuss any financial issues before we set up bases." The man carefully explain, his finger extended as you listened closely, "So, I needed some Scouts to come and help me with meetings. And, as you may have guessed, I've chosen all of you."

Your eyes wandered towards each Scout sat around the table, feeling your face ease as you realised that each of them you were close with; Hange; Moblit; Nanaba Moblit; Mike; Levi.

Erwin sorted the pile once more through his fingertips, cleaning the papers before his lips parted to speak once more, "We'll be leaving the walls on Sunday, as I said, and then begin to travel West: there, we'll be partaking in different meetings and spend the night in an inn. On Monday, we'll venture further up North early in the morning so that we can spend the entire day to ourselves. After that, on Tuesday, we'll go far East for our last meeting before resting up so that we can leave for the Walls on the Wednesday."

Erwin arose from his chair, spreading different forms in front of his vision; he began to pass each form around the narrow table.

"You'll find a form with your name and identification details written; you just need to scan your eyes over it to make sure that everything is updated before signing."

A sheet of cream paper sat infront of your torso as you were at last passed your form, your eyes greeting with a long line of personal details; you skimmed your eyes down the ebony writing, before feeling your lips curl into a reluctant frown as you signed at the bottom.

You sighed slowly, before pushing the paper forward and glaring slightly as it was taken by Erwin gratefully.

After skimming over the final preparations and details, he finally excused you all to leave.

Your neck tiredly arched, rubbing your fingers against your skin as your eyes slowly rolled back. You sighed with fatigue in your eyes, feeling guilt of your own ungratefulness.

"Hey, Y/N." You heard a friendly voice call as Hange began to jog up behind you, "Wait up!"

You turned your shoulder, "Hello."

They sighed slowly with a wide smile, cupping your shoulder with their palm: "You okay? You seemed upset during that meeting when I looked over to you."

Your shoulders shrugged with a frown, "I.. don't know. I don't want to seem ungrateful, or rude, but I don't really like the thought of spending so much time away from the walls again: even if it's just a few days."

Hange pulled against your arm, their hand tracing down your skin with a bright smile, "At least we have free time: we've got practically the entire day to ourselves on the second day - it's basically a payed vacation."

"I suppose so."

"Plus," They extended their finger, "Aren't you excited to be able to spend so much time together again as a group? I genuinely can't wait for Sunday."

Your lips finally eased into a carefree smile, giving into their excitement, "Yeah, me neither."

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now