Reason Three ; II

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HIS SLENDER EYEBROWS PINCHED TOGETHER, his lips arched into an agitated frown as he watched you search through his locker.

"Well?" His voice somehow seemed more colder than when you had last spoken to him: each rasp running a chill down each edge of your spine as you struggled for any words.

Levi's hip swayed to the side, his head tilting downwards with a frustrated glare awakening in his dark, silver eyes.

His muscular arms were crossed over the sharp abs on his chest; cascades of warm droplets fell from the muscles on his shoulders and neck. Levi's arms were large and strong; his figure still slim, yet muscular - you found your eyes refusing to look away from him, no matter how much you ordered yourself to.

He had scars on his chest and back, showcasing his trauma and suffers; your eyes softened.

Your chest tightened at the sight.

Levi's ebony hair was pushed back messily, drenched in water from the shower.

"Answer the question.." The Captain stepped forwards as you stepped back, your back hitting against the lockers behind you with weakness lurking in your eyes, "Why the hell are you in the mens shower room? You're not some sort of pervert, are you?"

"What- No! Of course not."

"Then. Explain." His words slowed mockingly as your eyes shifted away.

"I-.." You struggled, "Erwin told me to look for his book! He.. said that he was in here earlier." You swallowed, now suddenly refusing to look him in the eye: Levi's brow arched downwards, "This is his book.. I think. I'm sorry."

A short groan fell from the man's lips as he began to wander closer to you; your heart racing rapidly with each step.

"Okay, fine: I'm.. glad." Levi muttered under his breath as his body now stood just a meter away from yours - shadows from the darkly lit room made highlights on his sharp jawline and features, "I saw the book on the bench earlier and borrowed it from him: don't worry, I had plans to give it back to him - I'm no thief."

You raised your hands as if to surrender to him, your eyes still refusing to meet his with a sense of anxiety lingering on your tongue at the Captain's presence, "In my defence, seeing as it's half three in the morning, I wasn't exactly expecting myself to have company in here."

His grey eyes rolled at what you'd said as he stepped even closer, "I'm sure."

You felt as the Captain's body stood now just inches away from yours; his skin looked clean and clear; his cold eyes glistened as they stared into yours.

A slow sigh fell out from his soft lips as his eyes fell down your figure slowly; his eyes scanned each feature of your body as you stood anxiously opposed to him.

You could feel your heart racing fiercely at his presence; you prayed he couldn't hear.

Levi clicked his tongue as his eyes finally locked back onto yours, his chin tilting up, "Y/N?" Your name ran perfectly from his lips.


"You're.." He began, his eyes slowly closing, "You're blocking my locker."

𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 ; 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 Where stories live. Discover now